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Ive Lost Her For Good !


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I am 28 years old and currently in turmoil, I dont know which way to turn or what to do !

I have a beautifull daughter who is just 18months old and myself and her mother are now separated, her choice. We where so much in love when we first met, infact we where best friends, I guess why this is hurting so much right now. I would be foolish to say we never had our problems but I cant think of them now. All I can think of are the good times we had and how we are not going to spend our future together as a family. Basically I never trusted her and I had no reason to feel that way, so I pushed her and pushed her until she finally snapped, she now says she is not in love with me anymore, and all she wants is for tme to be a good father to our daughter, but I cant separate my feelings, I am still picking my daughter up to take her to nursery, so every morning I have to meet with my ex. So rather than when you normally break up and you may bump into them a few months down the line and you get that feeling. I have that feeling every single morning of my life. I see her and just want her to tell me she will give me another chance. She doesnt. I miss them both so much but even when I get to spend time alone with our daughter I still think about my ex partner. Mornings seem to be the worst, and all friends say is that you will get over it, I guess no one can tell me what I want to hear apart from my ex. I cant stop phoning her or texting her I try but I cant it just seems so easy to pick up the phone and speak to her. She has started to put the phone down, on me which does upsett me more but still I cant stop. I sit there alone in the house and pick up the phone. If I do go out to visit friends, the first thing I do is check my messages, theres normally no call from her. What can I do I just seem to be getting worse not better, people say time is the best healer but all it seems to do is be dragging her further away from me. Its bad but I needed this to happen to realise just how much she meant to me, I have just realised too late, If I could build a time machine I could change what happened but until then I just seem to be going round in circles

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Hi Jase,


I really know how you feel, Ive just split up with my girlfriend after 3 1/2 years. I pushed and pushed and now shes gone, gone with another man which I just cant get my head around!!! I keep waiting for a call off her or a text and then picturing her with the other guy, it horrible, I dont know what to do with my self, I feel like if she asked me back right now I would take her back in a snap. Ive realised so much that I took for granted, so many thing that i miss about her but I also know that imust be strong and refuse such offers, we should'nt make our self's into third wheels!!!


Takecare, mate and be strong!!!!! try and keep your mind busy, i know its a lot harder than it sounds but well get there!!!!



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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I know this sounds difficult but maybe the best thing to do is to move on or live in your dreams. It's difficult but the best thing maybe is to respect her. Look at it from her perspective. You are not really respecting her wishes. Get used to being her friend. If you keep badgering her, she will keep putting the phone down. You think it's frustrating when she does that, right? How does she feel when she hears you play the same record after telling you that there is nothing... I'm serious, that's not the way to win anyone's heart. You should try the other delicacies in this world. You have a better chance of hooking up with a woman just like her than with her... If you are looking for that perfect girl. Sometimes, friends are better off friends than lovers. One of my many sums in life. Reality is better than a bitter dream of what can never be.

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