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Should I try asking her out again?

Double J

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A few months ago, I posted here that I asked out this girl I met when I started college. I was very friendly - I would approach her in class and everything. She warmed up to be a little more, and since I'm attracted to her looks and intelligence, I said hey, why not ask her out.. so I did.. but to my dismay, she said "Good idea, but why don't we invite my friend Juan to come along with us.. He's been wanting to go." Juan is a friend of hers since high school and they would hang out together a lot at that time.


After this happened, I hadn't even noticed it, but I became very distant around her, and she couldn't help but wonder what was going on.. It prompted her to e-mail me asking me what was wrong because she "valued me tremendously." When that little phase ended, things got back to normal pretty much.


But this semester, since I have her for more classes, we've spent more time together, and she's warmed up even more. A typically shy girl, she now throws me little papers, chases me when I take a pen or cap from her, etc. The most telling signs seem to be that she invites me to go places with her. For example we're doing a community service project, and we each go in groups but she asked me the other day if I'd like to accompany her and her group.


I find myself thinking about her a lot lately, and my question is this.. While I have time (before getting emotionally attached), how should I proceed? Does she appear to be liking me simply as a person and feels extremely comfortable in my presense, or is she showing signs of interest to be more than friends? If the it's the latter, i'd be willing to ask her out again.


This has me baffled so I could use some advice.

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Id say your in a good position.


You may not be on her list of *Hot Guys i Gotta Marry* but if you guys enjoy spending time together Id say that you have a chance of going at it.


Just send her messsages that you wanna be more then friends, do it through the jokes you make or places you take her. Body language etc etc.


good luck

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