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How long do reference checks take?

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Hey E world,


I had a job interview this past Friday through an internal reference, the job interview went pretty quick with the Manager not even asking me about the company or anything he just went straight to telling me about the job, when it started (this upcoming friday) and what the pay was, what I would be doing and what i should wear. Checked if the hours was ok with me..which they were and just asked me to give him my references. Im getting a bit anxious about this position now as I don't know when I should be hearing back from him or when he is going to contact my references. How long do managers take to check with your references? and was the interview a little too quick? or was it a good sign that he pretty much went into the interview telling me all about the job, asked about the employee I knew that he hired and just asked me if I had any questions about the position?

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Depends on the place... anywhere from a day to a couple weeks. Also, whether they can get ahold of your references or not. You should probably ask your references to let you know if they call them... if they don't call the references within a week or so, it's pretty clear they aren't interested.

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If the job starts this friday (that's really fast!), I would start to wonder on Thursday. It definitely takes a few days to call, try to get in touch with people, etc.


Depending on the job... if it's not overly complex or high-skilled (such as an engineer or something), and/or there is high turnover and minimal training involved, he may just be ok with the idea that you were referred by a friend. I wouldn't necessarily think it was a bad thing... (or a good thing, really)... it just kind of is.

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I know at the place I did volunteer work at, when someone came in for an interview the director called the references that afternoon, but for my current job they took a week to get back to me about it so it sounds like they took longer to call the references. Like someone else said though, it depends on if they get a hold of the references or not. I know some places don't bother keeping calling if they can't get a hold of them but others will not offer the job if they can't reach all of them.

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