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Broke NC actually feel a little bit better.

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I broke NC the other day and I called my ex. I know I shouldn't have but we talked for a few minutes. I am realizing all the negative thing about the relationship and stuff I just couldn't help myself. I am still trying to shake these feelings and honestly with the contact it made it a smidge easier because now I feel that she really doesn't care about me. I keep putting that line over in my head and I only have to break NC a few more times for purposes not really controlled by me but I have to see her in person. She will be coming to get her mail and I am just going to hand it to her and then just ask her to leave. I have been talking to a few women and being kind of flirty and it's been fun actually I just always subdued my flirty nature because I wanted my woman to feel secure about herself. I feel sooner rather then later I'll be back to my old self again and this will be all in the past.


On a side note I have been pissed about finishing my tattoo my artist got fired from his job and I am taking it as a sign that it's not supposed to be finished this year because I have a lot of stuff going on in the next few months. I also do have a scheduled appointment for a different tattoo that I am looking forward to completely customized for me. It's for me and my twin brother that killed himself because of a woman too I say screw that. I miss him and would like to talk to him about a few things and watch a UFC fight with him. Thanks for taking the time to read.

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