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friend or boyfriend??


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ok so there's this guy i met this year that sits next to me in one of my classes. we're pretty good friends but he's always flirting with me. like yesterday i was working on my laptop and he kept reaching over and shutting it off and then i'd be like i hate you and he'd say no u know you love me. and then he's just always flirting with me. But then last weekend we had a dance and he was all over some underclassman, but then in class the following monday he was like i saw you at the dance and he kept like bringing the dance up and how he saw me there. i dno if he was trying to make me jealous or something. I think that i'm beginning to like him, but i don't know how to send him suttle signals that i'm falling for him. Do you think he likes me or is just really friendly??and how should i show him that i like him without scaring him away??

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i have the answer for everyones problem tonght ....duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh easy ..he sounds like he got you to like him couse u doo that why he bringing it up ..he wants you to know he isnt waiting forever he canfind somyone else i think he is preswading you to kiss him allready couse he does like you exp if he wants atention just spontanous kiss him on the cheek ..let me know what hapends....give him your number if you dont want to kiss him

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