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Ok, i told my friend my feelings for him, what now?


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This was all in an email, sent it about 30mins ago, so i don't expect any response from him for a few days, most.


I told him basically that i fancy him, have done for a while now, but that i can't really be friends with him, unless he says that it's salvagable.


I told him that i do really like just his friendship, but it's too difficult, and that i don't expect anything from him, i just want to be honest with him.


He isn't very open with his feelings, he could like me, i think there's a small possibility he could have feelings for me too, we are both shy in this area.


Was i right to do this, will he react badly, should i have done this differently/not at all? Have i ruined all chances of being with him, as just a friend or, more than a friend, i'm paranoid, sorry.

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The letter was a good idea, but I might have worded it a little different. You should have said that you really enjoy his friendship, but that you have feelings for him, and would like to possibly go out on a date. Its good to start off as friends, and then see where is goes from there.


Saying that you don't want to be friends is a little hurtful. Your giving him mixed messages, saying that you have feelings for him, but can't be friends. He might not be ready yet to be more than friends, or maybe he's too shy to say anything. See if he emails you back, but keep the line of friendship open. If you really want to be with him, then you might have to give him more time, or be more direct in the fact that you have feelings for him.

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I don't you've ruined all possiblities of going out on a date with him, but like Cherokee_Boy said, it was a little hurtful to say you didn't want to be friends. I would suggest maybe starting out as a friend to get to know him more, but if he does like you, to take things slow as you haven't had a friendship to get to know him that much. Good luck!

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Ok, i obviously need to add a few more details, i've been friends with him for 3 years, i know him very well, we were very close, but in the past few weeks, it's got more difficult, i told him that it hurts to be his friend, and i've been trying to just keep it platonic too long now. (in summary)


Sorry i need to make that part clear.

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