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Art of attraction..?


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I am sure this question is asked all too many times, out of curiosity, I am going to ask anyway.. What is it that men find attractive in the other gender? Is it pure outward appearance? Body Language? Mystery? Guys, fill me in on what you think. Clearly it is time for me to learn. Any and all comments would be greatly valued.

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I am sure this question is asked all too many times, out of curiosity, I am going to ask anyway.. What is it that men find attractive in the other species? Is it pure outward appearance? Body Language? Mystery? Guys, fill me in on what you think. Clearly it is time for me to learn. Any and all comments would be greatly valued.


I hope you mean other gender and not other species


Everyone has there own preferences. I tend toward happy and funny with a streak of quirky. Mystery is for novels. Appearance is important. But without substance you're just a 3 dressed up as a 9.


If they have a Harley I already love them.

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I dont know, I think the differences between men and women are so vast we might as well be considered other species.




Anyway, here I go! (i love this subject)


She must generally meet certain physical criteria before I start taking notice in her other features. There are always ways around this though, and sometimes I have found myself falling for a girl who did not EXACTLY meet these criteria.


Physically I must be attracted to her. If I am not attracted to her, it is much harder for me to become interested in her romantically. For me, this means a slender to average build (not American average, REAL average), dark hair, fair skin, and of course a beautiful face. She will be my height or shorter, and... Thats about it. The boobs, the butt, those are like cherries on a cupcake. If she has em, coo', if not, still coo'.


And once these have been met, personality! This comes accross in her style of dress, the body language she exhibits, her language skills, her charm, her wit, the level of sympathy, authenticity and humility I can sense in her (horribly lacking in American women, I find), and her voice... Ugh, that nasally voice thing American girls have is so horrendous, "Nyah nyah nyah nyah! HAHAHA, EYYYHHHHH!" STFU! Learn to SPEAK!


If she has a scientific mind, I usually get annoyed by her rather quickly. If she makes me feel uncomfortable (not in the good way), that also shows a lack of empathy on her part, so I lose interest. If she is artisitic, can appreciate poverty as well as luxury, moves in and out of all social circles, bam! i am excited to be around her. If she has a gentle heart, or a fiery heart, both are attractive.


All of these things can be shifted around, as every girl is unique and has her own beautiful charm.


There is so much more to say, but I have to go. I will return to this later.

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Sexual attraction for many many men is visual. Other forms of attraction have their own draw. Like if the woman likes comics and horror movies, i want her in my life on a permanent status, note... this doesnt mean in a actual relationship, if their is no sexual attraction, i can play the "i really want to be your friend instead" card. That is in itself "attraction", as in you attracted me to you, but not into bed, or to kiss you, or to want you in that way.

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No fatties...


Lifestyle wouldn't mix, I eat healthy, bike ride and go to the gym.. I like women who also take care of themselves. A certain level of attractiveness and a interesting and unique personality. I like to be challenged by my partner to try things outside of my comfort zone. She should have a career or working towards one, someone who isn't religious, or at least trying to convert me.


Oh and we have to be sexually compatible

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I found those comments about American women quite hurtful, to be honest


Doesnt apply to you, BritterSweet, you live in Hawai'i, the coolest state. It's so cool it sits out there like it doesnt even know what country it belongs to. Gangsta.


So everywhere I put Americans, just insert (except for Hawai'ians. Dey coo'.)

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Ok, back to this.


What I find attractive in women...


A woman can draw attention from me in as many ways as there are styles of women. Im going to use a recent interest to help me here...


A beautiful woman is slender, soft, and gentle. She is witty, humble, and playful. Her laugh infects me with feelings of air, of being lifted out of my seat, of hovering a few inches off the ground. I am stretched to my maximum height when I am around her, and I do not remember my problems that day.


A beautiful woman is like a feather: she is soft, light, and when you let go of her, her path is whimsical, unpredictable.


I am attracted to her smile, to her eyes, to the feeling of warmth and comfort she gives off. She is constantly aware of her surroundings, and she has manners when greeting people.


She can be quiet and dark, who lights up when you approach her. You can sense the sadness beneath her skin and this draws you in closer, curious to figure out her secret. She is tender, and when you kiss her your heart and mind go blank, you forget your own name. She is sweet and playful, she never judges you, she makes you feel stronger, as if you could accomplish anything.


She is polite and artistic. She might wear make up, she might not. Her hair falls in her face, and she looks away, pensive. She is meditative, not vacuous and loud, spewing judgments on others; she is compassionate and kind, and feels sorry for a squirrel.


She might be an intellectual, and she challenges you to question your own beliefs; she really sees the world, and wants to share her own opinions and feelings with you. She is sad, but hopeful. She never puts other people down, but she isn't without a sense of humor!


She smiles a sweet, shy smile, or she she smiles a wicked, playful one - a smile can speak any language, and it can tell you just what sort of girl she is, how compatible you are, and when your eyes really meet and dive into each other, it is the last thing you remember before you kiss.

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