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In love; just friends?


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There's a girl at my school...

She's the greatest EVER!

I fell in love w/ her, and asked her out, but she said 'no'. There were no hard feelings, and we continued being pretty good friends.

That was about half a year ago, and now i still really like spending time w/ her, even though there's no hope of a romantic relationship, I like to spend as much time w/ her as possible!

What i really need to know is: how much time is too much? How much time can i spend w/ her before it starts getting kind of.. weird that i'm ALWAYS there?

I want to spend as much time as i POSSIBLY can (she's one of my best friends now) but i don't want to seem to pushy, nor do i want to crowd her!

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It all depends on the person, but I would hang out with her just like any oher friend, and if it seem like your hanging out with her too much, maybe slow down not to annoy her. Yet, if you really like her, then spend time with her. Let her get to know that you care! Who knows, maybe she'll realize she likes you too! Good luck!

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Just think about how much time you spend with all your other friends and do the same, she wont think anything of it if you spend the same amount of time with her as the others.


It depends on how you feel as well, the fact that youre asking how much time to spend with her and how much is too much implies that maybe you need to lay off for a while or see less of her because maybe you feel your spending too much time with her

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