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my friend was staring at my girlfriend for an entire night


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hi. my friend came over to hang out with me and my girlfriend and well shes pretty damn attractive but he was just oggling her all night. she was like doing his hair and she didnt notice she kind of tilted his head so he kind of had his face in her chest for a bit but he sat there for about 20 minutes just staring at her chest. honestly i expected him to respect me enough not to stare at my girlfriend all night.

i talked to him today about it and he thought she was doing it on purpose. and then was not believing me when i said she didnt notice and then said she would have to be stupid not to notice! im sory but disrespecting me makes me not want to talk to him for a while but calling my girlfriend stupid and basicaly thnking she like threw herself at him like some losoe girl makes me want to stop being freidns with him period.

am i over-reacting?

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What do you mean...she was doing his hair? Need more details here. Was she actually styling his hair, or playing with it? If it was the latter, seems to me she was being a bit flirty. And I can't imagine how his face ended up in her chest, to tell you the truth.


Is your girlfriend the flirty type?

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she was kind of styling his hair and playing with it. im fine because me and her are both flirty and he kept like trying to escape so she had to sit in front of him. i mean he could hav enot looked or closed his eyes or done anything to respect me in the least. im not mad at my girl because we are both flirty and she honestly didnt notice where his head was or that he was looking.

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ouch thats pretty harsh. how do you not notice that your staring right in a girls chest for like 20 minutes. thats pretty low of him he should have more respect then that. As for you g/f have you done anything before that to upset her in anyways.. that could've been her way to "get back" at you. my friends g/f did a smiliar thing to me they were having problems and i guess made her feel better. however i noticed how he couldn't stand it and i just said i had to go and left even though i didn't have to leave.


have they ever been friends or met eachoter before? I had a girl in my senior class that would rub her hands in my hair or give me back massages. when i was depressed or felt down even though she was with another guy he was even in the same class.. the guy never had a problem with it as he was also my friend and i was her friend to. but even that made me feel bad the first couple times she did it then i talked to him away from her made sure it was okay and he didn't mind. but i wasn't looking at her chest she just stood behind me and rubbed my hair and gave me back massages.



but seriously.

My friends g/f's = NO NO I have respect for everyone of my friends and their gf's to ever do something like that.

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no my friend did notice that he was staring at her chest. he admits that he was looking at her. she didnt notice. and no she had no reason to get back at me. and they hav eonly met once before and that was also with me. he was ok that night because i kind of made sure he coudlnt look at her but i coudlnt really stop it this time. its justhe really disrespected me and also hes disrespecting my girl by thinking that she would just like either be loose and just want him to stare at her or be stupid in not noticing that he had a good position to look. and now hes mad at HER because he tihnks th eonly reason im mad at him is because i want to be mad at anyone but her.

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yea i talked it out with him actually and found out i am an extreem exception that i do not look at anyones girlfriend ever. and also i just talked with him and jsut got a whole lot of misunderstandings sorted out and also kind of just calmed down. i suppose it was kind of unreasonable for me to want him not to respond to my girl especially her being as hotas she is and being kind of flirty. oh well i guess iv got to live with it. my friend did promise me he would be better about not looking though. sorry i kind of wrote this post while flying off the handle

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You never look at other people's girlfriends?? Now who do you flirt with, single girls? Im sorry, you are very naive to thing your girlfriend likes to flirt, but then when she get's attention, she doesn't notice? Please. Open your eyes boy!

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Guarana Galrok, not at all, I have nothing against flirting with anyone! What im trying to say is, don't flirt, and when you get attention, pretend it did not happen, or deny that you flirt around! If you wana flirt, deal with consequinces..

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no no no. to me guys checking out attached girls is NOT ok. to all of my guys friends though for some reason they see it as fine. i have never looked at girl who i knew was attached and checked her out. and my girlfriend does the same thing i do we never mean to flirt with other people. i woudlnt know how to flirt if i tried but i always seem to flirt anyways. if we actually try to flirt we both suck at it. but she seriously didnt notice that he was looking at her all night. im feeling betterish about it im still kid of pissed but iv kind of got to get used to it if im going to date an attractive girl. i guess i almost felt like i sohuld flip out because she flips if i spend any attention on other girls and if i get any back. shes very jealous. im sorry if im very confusing about all of this i tend to be in these matters. i kind of have a chaos thoery way of thinking about things.

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no no no. to me guys checking out attached girls is NOT ok.


I agree with you on this, but at the same time i to have caught myself looking at other women who had bf's. such as at school or something. i'm guessing your gf is 15 also and so is your friend. or similar age. it's going to happen. you don't look on purpose at that age but when you see a girl with nice breasts or looks really hot you can't help but look.


Other guys are gonna look at her and shes gonna look at other guys, get over it. i'm sure you'll be looking at other girls to and other girls may look at you.


--Little Story--

my ex-gfs brother and his girlfriend were going to disneyland, He was complaining because she was looking at other guys. but at the same time he was looking at other girls...


it human nature, its the same as not looking at a handicapped person and not notice the wheelchair, its something you can't help but notice.

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