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A bit Comfused....


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recently my gf told me that she loved me and that she wanted to go "all the way" with me but the comfusing part is i feel that if i dont make any calls to her, we wont have any plans together...i no girls like to be the ones chased but i think this is a bit far..



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Well, communication is key. Have you talked to her about this? Just tell her that "hey, it's ok for you to make plans for us too"


No one knows what their partner is thinking, except maybe some exceptionally lucky people, you have to tell them so they know.


Since you're making all the plans, she probably feels like she doesn't have to

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Well, communication is key. Have you talked to her about this? Just tell her that "hey, it's ok for you to make plans for us too"


No one knows what their partner is thinking, except maybe some exceptionally lucky people, you have to tell them so they know.


Since you're making all the plans, she probably feels like she doesn't have to


a friend of mine suggested not calling for a bit and see what happens, but i dont want 1) for me not to see her if she doesnt call becuase she assumes im busy if i dont call or 2) we slip apart from one another

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I know a lot of people, including myself sometimes, don't like to call the person that they're interested in because they don't want to come off as desperate.


I wouldn't worry about it, it's not a big issue. If it bothers you enough then you should probably just let her know and I'm sure that she'd be comfortable calling you.

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