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do condoms leak easily?


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I wouldn't think that it'd be a problem unless it somehow leaked to the bottom of the condom (not the tip) and leaked out that way.


BTW, sperm can last around 30 minutes outside of any favorable conditions. Not 30 seconds.

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where do u normally keep ur condoms?


Ur Not supose to keep them in a closed tight place like a wallet is a bad place for a condom , the heat in ur car is a bad place for a condom...In ur draw is fine as long as u keep ur room some sourt of cool.


But im sure ur smart enough to know that right?

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Its always best after ejaculating to remove the condom and clean up within a minute or 2 after finishing. It only takes a couple of mins for the penis to become flaccid again and thereforeeee the condom could leak sperm.


In this case the chances of her becoming pregnant are extremely remote so don't worry about it at all.

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