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Got drunk. Broke NC. Same old...

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As the title suggests, I got drunk a few nights ago and messaged my ex.


She broke up with me. But I annoyed her by contacting her in this manner. She was extremely offended that the only time I would send her a message was when I was drunk.


Honestly? I was so drunk, I didn't even know I'd sent it. It was nothing bad. More a message of acceptance that she was happy now without me. I didn't beg to get her back or anything. I didn't even mention ''love'' (!).


She was upset and annoyed. She had reached out to be friends, and I've insisted on very, very low contact (we work together).


If I'm honest, I'm surprised at how badly she took it. She seemed furious that the first time I had contacted her since the break up was when I was drunk.


Felt bad about it, but I'm human. I got wrecked, I missed her. Pathetic? Yes. Self-degrading? Perhaps.


Normal to miss somebody you loved and cared about and want to contact them? Absolutely.


Not beating myself up. Getting on with it.


Thanks for reading.



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I do not buy it. Even her rage is intense and precious to you, yes? You gave yourself permission to drunk text her knowing that it was a "win - win" situation. If the drunken text touches her heart = WIN. If it gets her mad at you = WIN as well. What you cannot endure is her apathy. So this is why you sent a totally self-serving text message when you were drunk.


We have all done this and it only stops when we examine why we did it. Saying that it is only human or that it is normal to miss someone is not acknowledgment. You contacted her for all the wrong reasons after she dumped you. I agree there is no need to beat yourself up over it but also realize how you stooped to self-degradation in order to get some breadcrumbs of attention from her, even her rage.


You are not that guy. You are stronger, you are on your way to a great future. Don't play this card again. Let her go once and for all. Accept it and plot a course for you new life. We have all done stuff like this. But it is just smoke and mirrors and excuses. The hurting will lessen. Hang in there!!

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