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Haven't dated anyone forever, have trouble meeting people


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I've been single for a long time. In the past I would usually date people that I came into contact with within my social circles. But now that's not something I can do and I have absolutely no real dating experience since all the people I've ever dated were friends. I realized that I literally do not know how to date, and feel pretty uncomfortable dating. The last few guys I tried to date, I ended up thinking I wanted to date them and then realizing I'm not attracted to them at all. And no one really asks me out, and even if they did I feel like that's just not how I operate- I can't develop feelings for someone if I just start being affectionate with them right away.


I tried online dating but I totally hated it. I just don't like the vibe. I'm the kind of person that doesn't even have a social networking site.


I'm lonely and I want to get out there and start getting to know people and meet someone special that I can fall in love with. But I know you're not supposed to force these things and it's good to wait and chill out until someone comes along but at the same time I feel like I want to be proactive and do something about the fact that I want someone in my life. I'm kindof pretty I guess like a 7 or 8 and I can be charming but I just don't know how to meet people and how to get dates that are successful. Help?

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Hey Alice,

I'm in the same boat. I've only dated friends in the past and that's no longer an option. I agree with the other posters that you should venture out and try new activities. Do you play sports? There are a ton of coed teams to join. Also, volunteer organizations- at least that way, you have the chance to meet someone who cares about helping others. Good luck!

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