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I am 24 straight guy; however, I have gotten feeling for 43 years old guy. Help


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Sup guys, I'm in this awkward situation. All my life i was straight, I only had feelings for girls and sex was only with girls, however, all of a sudden i met this guy, who is 43, who appeared to be gay. We became great friends, and one month later i started to feel this feeling deep inside of my heart, i feel something special for him, its like i am falling for him, i just cannot explain how that happened, but i have this extremely strong feelings for him. Its like when he is not around, i freak out, thinking that something bad happened to him, maybe i care too much about people around me, but this case its kinda different, i wanna figure out what is it. I don't feel sexual attraction, cause its gross me out, but this feeling tortures me inside. his presence gives brings to my heart spiritual satisfaction, and its like i began this life from the beginning, the life i didn't have before. Can you help? But please no labeling. Thank you.

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Maybe you just love him deeply as you would a very close friend or family member. Sometimes friendships can bring these feelings out in you.


Yes this can happen. We seem to get that feeling from being with our best friends that have been with us all our lives. If you are not physically attracted to him and the idea of sex with a man grosses you out, then that is probably the case. If you were gay or bi, you would physically desire him, at least it would seem that way.

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I don't know folks, the idea of having feelings for him freaks me out. Its like,against all my moral beliefs.


Then distance yourself from him. If you feel your platonic love is becoming deeper than what you're comfortable with, then avoid him. This is especially important because he may be gay and have expectations that you can't fulfill (provided that you are indeed not interested in then sexual way).

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don't distance yourself from him. what would that do? it would only leave you guessing the rest of your life what could have been. on the other hand, if you keep hanging out with him, a few things may happen--you may find that you really, really have emotional feelings for him, and he you, and start something beautiful. you could keep hanging out with him and realize you don't have romantic feelings, but you still have an awesome friend. you could learn about yourself and learn to accept yourself, whether you're attracted to him romantically or not. if you find out you are not romantically interested, it could maybe broaden your horizons and learn about others who aren't straight. you could end up being a better person in all respects--unless you run away from the situation. stick with it. see where it goes. and wherever it goes, accept yourself. be kind to him. and yourself. that's all that matters.

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