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should i send a message for her birthday?


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I would do it to be the bigger person. I don`t care about the response, it`s more about making me feel better. Too many people come on here with their own rules and stuff them down your throat like they are feeding a livestock goose. If this is what you want and you expect no response, you can do it for yourself.

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GUYS do not get me confused! who had the experience of sending a birthday message to their ex when they had a boyfriend at that moment? did you get a good respond?


Unfortunately, you have it in your head to do something. Might as well do it like the other poster said, send expensive flowers, hell - write something nice and feel good from you. It will set you back and I'm sure most of us will be here when it hits, probably not as understanding so do what you must. I wish you luck and maybe you will be the fortunate one. I don't think so though.

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but that is the thing, he is not over her and secretly hopes she will come back to him so this will not be about being the bigger person, he is not there yet.....he would have alterior motives...

i agree about all the rules and gaes and crap, i never listen to that either and do what i want, but in this case it is very clear that this is a bad idea!

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she is in a new relationship so she will not reconcile with Piet, she will either ignore it totally or tell him to leave her alone and both options will hurt like hell...

and even is she is happy with it, and thanks him and nothing more, then what? she is still with the new guy and Piet will be crushed....to me it is lose lose....best to not do it.. come post here instead on that day......send virtual flowers on here!!

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What she will do none of us know! Im just saying...he could do it because in the long run it`s a win win for me. But for himself, on a personal level, he should do it to be a bigger person and don`t expect something back. The outcome couldn`t be bad no matter. It`s not exatcly stalking is it?

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What you are suggesting is so bizarre, it's as if you are trying to mock the op , I honestly can't tell whether you are being serious or not. I stand corrected if you are indeed being helpful

Well, then he has the option of signing it without his name...maybe just "distant lover" or "yours forever "
So now I am a troll because I go against your advice? People are really narrow-minded on here...
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He is a young man , and after all his other thread have highlighted, very mixed up. Your advice doesn't not only seem unhelpful given his story, but as if you are playing some game with him. I am all for different opinions , but the above quote looks like mockery to me

I agree...maybe "distant lover" or "yours forever" is over the top and might come accross creepy. Maybe just "hugs" will do That is at least 100% just friendly...


It`s a forum, people have different ideas. Im sure he can make up his own mind at the end.

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I would do it to be the bigger person. I don`t care about the response, it`s more about making me feel better. Too many people come on here with their own rules and stuff them down your throat like they are feeding a livestock goose. If this is what you want and you expect no response, you can do it for yourself.


The thing is, he EXPECTS a response -- and a positive one -- that's why he's thinking of doing it. He's NOT over her. He's invested in the outcome, and he will feel terrible if she doesn't respond or responds coldly or negatively. This is a time when it's a bad idea. AND, the fact that she already has a new boyfriend makes it an even worse idea.

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