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Errgggg....this isn't going anywhere!


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I just don't know what to do. I can't talk to this guy at work. Everytime I think I have a good conversation planned, I think it's stupid then walk away. I'm so confused. Two shy people come to a deadlocl where either one is too shy to talk to the other. I wanna change that.


It's just that.....erggg....he intimidates me so much. He's 3 years older than me. I'm still in high school. I just feel like I can't surface on his level.


Any suggestions?

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Hey im in that sitation also. Im not as shy as I used to be just mainly around girls that I like. Well I try to talk to this girl some what or try it hard to strike up conversation. I say hi to her some times she doesnt like the other day or I say Hi to her she smiles and doesnt say anything back. But the other day she says to me "So you not going to talk to me now" I told her no im talking to you now. It's just weird is all.

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