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Long distance relationship abrubtly ended


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Hi- I was in a long distance relationship with a man that fell in love with me immediately. It took me some time to fall for him but I know I did love him the entire time it was just difficult to open up after a bad relationship I was in prior. Once I started opening up he pulled away and broke things off with me. I was ready to move there when he decided he didn't want to be in a long distance relationship. He also met another women who he has been dating seriously now. I'm so heart broken. How is it so easy for someone to jump from one relationship to another? I was recently in h

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Did you ever meet in person? Also, if it took you a long time to fall for him, he might have felt a long while like you weren't into it him and started to move on. It might have been too little too late. People's hearts can only wait so long if the love isn't returned. I always shake my head when people tell me that they broke it off with someone or told them that they are letting go and not contacting them, yet accuse the other one of being insensitive for acting like they don't exist. Also, someone moving to be with the other is a big commitment - he may feel obligated to stay with you if things weren't going well - he might feel guilty that you uprooted yourself for him. Please move on. And please heal from this relationship before you venture in another.

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Of course we met in person. We would see each other once a month. Although it was difficult for me to say the words I love you it was obvious I was in love with him. He had blamed alot of what he was feeling on that fact that he was approaching the one yr mark of his fathers death and a divorce. He had started going to therepy and his therapist told him he was in a relationship with me because it was "safe" being far away. Then suggested he should be going out and meeting women and not be in a full blown relationship. Soon after he broke things off with me stating something was broken inside of him and he needed to figure it out and he would be back for me when he was better. He told me he was lonly and missed having a family. Then started dating this women. Meanwhile still communicating with me. He had originally wanted me to move there within 4 mths of us dating but I had commitments with my schooling that would not allow it. He dove in so quickly and was able to leave just as quickly and fall for another. I had to finish my 5 mth externship and it was discussed that when i was done i was to move there. Its as though when it came time for me to move there his feelings changed. We both discussed how we never felt what we felt for one another. I guess there is no reasoning. People fall out of love every day. I just did not see this coming.

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