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Here is my story, and I never saw it coming...


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Well here is my story, I am really new on this relationship issue and I hope someone out there understands and can help me out.


I am a high school student and everything is frantic and really new, I am an athlete (but belong to the nerds ) I have straight A's, and the people I know say I am farily good looking, but I just never was able to get a girlfriend, I had been single for 4 years! Finally about a month ago, I found out that this really beautiful girl ( she is a model ) that just came into our school, was interested in me-I had not even thought of taking to her, she was too good looking and unaproachable- I thought it was just too good to be true, but I decided to aproach her and start a conversation, I was very skeptical at first, because every girl I had the guts to go and ask out had rejected me ( about 9 in a row), but this girl is gorgeous and extremely talented, she is an artist like me, a model, plays the guitar, sings etc...


After about a week of talking we found out we had a lot in common, and when I finally asked her out, she jumped on top of me and started kissing me very passionately. After that she had me hooked!


Well for about two weeks I tried to do everything to make things as right as they could be, it was like a very good dream, everyone else in the school wanted her and she was with me! everything was going good and we couldn't spend a second apart, it was the best three weeks of my life up until Friday. She seemed a litttle distant, I asked if something was wrong but she replied that everything was fine so I didn't worry about it.


Saturday we were supposed to go to a party but she didn't show up, ironically, it was with all of her friends and I had a miserable time there.

When I called her she told me that she was having some problems with her mom and that she wasn't gonna be able to go at all.

All I could do then was wait to see her again in school on monday.


When I got to school yesterday, the first thing she did was pull me off to the side and she said she needed to talk to me. She told me she wasn't ready to get into a serious relationship, that she didn't feel enough of a connectionbetween us ( I thought that it normally took more than a week for this bond to develop ) and that we should break up. I was really hurt but afterwards I saw her walking around pretty normal as if nothing had ever happened.


I don't know if this might have had something to do with it, but her attitude completely changed when I told her I was a virgin ( I am 17 )

and she told me she was not ( she is 15), last week Friday.


I can't figure out if it was something I did or what happened...


What should I do????



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Well, it might be that she just wanted a fling...I don't think it's because your a virgin...plus she lost her virginity at only 15? Dang. Anyway, I wouldn't worry about it too much...perhaps she does still have feelings for you, but isn't, as she said, ready for a serious relationship. Maybe in time she will...but I would just at least be friends with her and see how things turn out...good luck!

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Here is some advice kiddo...


Dont think for a second that you did anything wrong especially when there is nothing wrong with you. You like the girl and thats that but what you have to realize is that she told you things are not going well with her family life and she may feel helpless and not in control. Sometimes when people are not happy and feel not in control they sometimes sabatoge things they feel they are in control of ie your relationship with her. She may have ended the relationship with you to maintain some sense of control in her life. The other reason might be she feels guilty of how great the relationship with you was going and how bad her relationship with her family was going, so she ended it. Her facade is lilke nothing ever happened and everything is going great with her...know that this is not the case and there is something more going on behind the scenes. Just be yourself and dont blame yourself...Always talk good about her and if she comes around than great but if she doesn't than it wasn't meant to be. But know if you handle it like a gentlemen other girls will see this and she will talk good about you to everyone else and who knows where that will lead...

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Lowkey is right. It's not you. You should just move on and pretend it does not bother you like she does towards you. Get on with your life the way you were before she came along. She seems very confused with her life right now but thats what happens when you are a teenager. There is nothing wrong with being a virgin either. You should wait and the right girl will come along one day. You might think now that she was meant for you and you can't see her with anyone else but that's natural. You will get that a lot growing up. Maybe someday when she is ready she will come back to you so you should just be a friend and be patient. It takes a long time for true feelings to develop so just be cool about it and most important, be her friend.

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