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How should I be?

Phoenix Down

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This thursday a good friend of mine's having a first b-day party for her child and invited me to come. She also stated that my ex would be there.

She said my ex seemed like she didn't care if I showed up or not. What ever that means... I said I'd go. But she may have her new boyfriend there, (if she even has one). It would kinda suck, but I don't think I'd have a problem with it. How should I be. (p.s. we went out for 3 years, but broke up 3 months ago.) long story...PD

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My opinion would be dont analyze the situation and be strong because it's one thing to think oh if I go to this party and see her with her new boyfriend I will be ok then really seeing it but dont let it get to you it is your ex you may still love her but just be strong 3 years is along time and it was probably really hard for you,Go to the party and have a good time and dont worry about it.

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I'm surprised your good friend invited you, your ex, and your ex's new bf to the party.


If you don't feel up to facing her, and having to pretend like you don't care, by all means send a present to your friend's kid, and beg off from the event. No need for you to be stressed out and upset right in the middle of your healing process.

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I had been doing fine for the past few weeks, but when my friend called and said what she did, it kinda messed with me. I know I'm still strong, but when she said she didn't really seem to care if I came or not for some reason hurt a little. I'll still go and have a great time. I just hope I keep my positive attitude and dont sink into thought. I'll be ok. PD

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I just feel like if I don't go she'll see me as weak. I know I'm strong. It might suck if she does bring dude, I'm not even sure she has a boy friend.

I think I should just go and show her she has no control over my life. And yes it would be nice to see her. Do you think that will bring more harm thatn good?

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Don't worry about how she will perceive you. Put your own well-being first. If you know that it will be uncomfortable for you, and possibly lead you to sadness and introspection after the party is over (and it probably will), then avoid the whole thing. You have come far in your road to healing...and if this in anyway could set you back, don't go.


For what it's worth, I seriously doubt she will think you are weak. There is no need to tell your friend why you aren't going, either. Make up an excuse - anything. We can help you there, too!

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I just feel like if I don't go she'll see me as weak. I know I'm strong. It might suck if she does bring dude, I'm not even sure she has a boy friend.

I think I should just go and show her she has no control over my life. And yes it would be nice to see her. Do you think that will bring more harm thatn good?


Listen to me ,


If you love her or not fine. But realize this, you are no longer a couple at this point and what you should do is go and have some fun because your friend ask you to. If she makes you feel uncomfortable then never let her see it. This is the time to show her that you are over her even if you are feeling like you are not over her at all.


BE strong AND ENJOY YOURSELF at the party EVEN IF IT KILLS YOU INSIDE. Do YOU really want to KNOW WHY SHE SAID SHE might bring a BOYFRIEND? Because SHE WANTED TO SEE YOUR REACTION of HORROR on your face! Your FACE SHOULD NOT LOOK LIKE THE KID FROM HOME ALONE! It should look like the guy from Miller time!


Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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