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What to do when two broken hearts meet

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I have been spending time with someone who I am really interested in and she is interested in me as well. We never argue, we never fight and we have so much in common including having our hearts broken more than once. This morning we had a conversation about how we are both afraid of hurting the other due to past experiences. We found ourselves trying to explain to each other what our fears are but without lack of better options we are doing so by comparing each other to what someone has done to us in the past. We so much want to make it work but are not sure how to get past the fear of being hurt again. How can we deal with the situation?[/b]

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Make eachother feel safe,comfortable,happy and go from there it's probably hard on both of you since you have been hurt so much but not everyone is out there to hurt you and it seems you both like eachother so just talk be open about your feelings and be honest that's about it good luck pm me anytime you need to talk

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Hi Kami,


I think you two can deal with this in a veryt psoitive manner. It sounds like you two already have a good idea at both what you want and more specifically what you both don't want to happen in a relaionship. Since you've already discussed your own heartbreak experiences with each nother, you can aproach the relationship with a better understanding of each other. Of course you both will exercise caution as far as a relationship goes, but that is to be expected given what you've both gone through. If you both take it at a slow pace, and continue to be patient and understanding with each other, you can have a great relationship.


Just my opinion, hope it helps.

Best of luck to the both of you,


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