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I have to see her every day at work. She looks good. She laughs. She smiles. In a matter of weeks it's went from intimacy to ignoring each other.


How do you deal with having to work with them and see them everyday? I'm terrified of moving on sometimes. It was a short relationship, but it was the best I've ever had.



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You have to be polite, cordial and fake indifference without being too cold ( emotion ) , or fake it until you make it , as we say here a lot. Bearing in mind, this is how we are getting you to behave to protect yourself, it can offer insight into how others are acting also. However, it can be extremely hard to spot, feigned indifference and the real thing

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I'm trying so hard. She told me she wanted to be friends. Sometimes I wish I could be. But I can't. My feelings go beyond that, and I'd feel even more rejected every day. Being rejected so suddenly and having to see the person who done it every day is the hardest thing I've had to deal with.



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Yeah it sucks , often when people say they want to be just friends ... it's because that is the way they viewed you in the relationship, some people don't actualy see it as a relationship ...so the aftermath is harder for you than it is for them. Obviously it's not always like this


you just have to ride out the storm for now as carefuly as possible, had to live 1 floor up from an ex for a year, another I worked with, listening to others gossip and meddle can be nasty


take care

I'm trying so hard. She told me she wanted to be friends. Sometimes I wish I could be. But I can't. My feelings go beyond that, and I'd feel even more rejected every day. Being rejected so suddenly and having to see the person who done it every day is the hardest thing I've had to deal with.



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Wow. That brought back some memories, good topic though. I would like to think I was friendly even though deep inside I was ... well, you know the feeling and if you don't, I don't think I can describe it other than a kick in the nads would a relief.


She was angry. The times she was civil it was cold and distant, felt like a street bum being told to get out of the way. I never got angry I would suck it up and close my eyes wondering just what I did to deserve my hell. Gets me angry thinking about it but what the heck, what's the use eh?

At times she would send angry text messages or the messages would be soft and warm on the voicemail. I hated those as they caused me many hours of staring out the damn window. Just truly a mess.


It's almost over. My heart still wants her very much but I push away all of those feelings and get on with my life. I suppose that is the nature of this experience and you either man up or not. I hope it ends soon. I will never be friends with her. Nope.

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It truly is horrible. I feel like she just gave up on without caring - which she's perfectly entitled to do. I just feel stupid that I obviously felt more for her than she did for me, despite her saying she did love me and she acted like she did right up to the end. I miss her so much. And I don't miss people. She got to me. I don't get close to people or get attached, and I let myself slip. I hate myself for it.



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