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Girlfriend walks around the house naked.


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Hey guys I don't know if you know my story but I won't go into detail. Basically my gf and I broke up both mutual but as you know I do want to be with her and I have been trying to be nice and kind and thoughtful to her in every way possible. So she came home today and took a shower and before she jumped in she came back into the front room and was standing right there fully naked and I couldn't help but stare. I mean come on this woman is driving me nuts she knows how bad I want her and it's really frustrating. I almost wanted to jump in the shower with her but I didn't. So I don't really understand if she doesn't want me to touch her or look at her why is she walking around naked wouldn't it make sense that it would be the last thing you would want to do. I think she was just looking for some attention but man she was looking really good. She will be moving out at the start of the next month so I don't really know what's going to happen everything is just so confusing. What should I do?

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have you ever watched, "the break up" with jenn aniston and vince vaughn. I think she gets a wax and then exits her shower and walks right in front of her ex bf who she is still living with... she does want attention and she is trying to tease you. bluntly ask her why she is doing it and if you don't like it ask her to stop.

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I can't even imagine doing something like this after my ex and I broke up. I had to still share a house with him for a week, and when he was there is was so awkward with me in the bedroom and him in the living room let alone if I were to walk around naked.


she is trying to get attention from you. she is acting like a selfish, little child. don't give her the attention. if it happens again do not stare just pretend like you are occupied with something else.

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and you need to try getting a new place.... living with the ex and she is acting this way can only end in disaster. if she is willing to do this I wouldn't put it past her to bring a guy home and have sex with him while you can hear them in the next room or something. don't hurt yourself anymore then you have to.... I just don't see this ending well

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Thanks guys I kind of figured she was really out for attention I mean why else would she do it? I try to ignore her and stuff and then there's times when rubs her boobs and stuff right in front of me. You guys are right she is playing mind games with me and also teasing me because she would never let me touch her or kiss her I kind of let my guard down when I was watching tv and she walked in naked because I did mention how sexy she looked which was stupid on my part. I only have a few more weeks then she will be out of the picture and I will have my apartment to myself. I just really don't understand this woman sometimes but I have to keep focused I appreciate you guys taking the time. I know what to do next time when she does it. I also do have to say she has been acting very childish around me. She's 24 and I'm 27 and the last few months I really have been nothing but nice to her but I have just been letting her walk over me for too long. Thanks again.

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