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The mornings.

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Waking up. For a few seconds, not remembering a thing.


You roll over, half expecting them to be there again. Four weeks later, still remembering all the times you woke up and they were there. Remembering all the times you could lie there with each other for hours and feel like the world outside was a million miles away.


But they're not there, and your few seconds of peace are over.


...and now I have to go to work and see her every day.


I hate the ups and downs. I could scream this morning.


Inner Apple.

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Waking up is one of the hardest times in letting go or getting over someone.

I don't know why, it may be that when you're asleep or dreaming you think of them or feel like they are there.

Then you wake up to a cold harsh reality that they're not there, and it's painful.

I have found that as soon as I get up and get busy, that pain goes away pretty quickly.

And gradually the waking up becomes less painful and more ordinary.

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Always suffered in the mornings and based on other peoples accounts of similar things , I will tell you what I found out from other people but much worse situations. People with PTSD , from the battlefields very rarely have a lay in , because their haunting memories, the most awful things they have had to deal with come flooding in upon waking up. My grandfather, a war veteran suffered with this and this was a time when there was little help for survivors and victims. What we are dealing with is probably a mild form of the same deep rooted type of issue


Poor old grandad, going on about the war, wondering why he survived. He ended up being a psyc nurse , because he understood the problems that others faced , so he tried to help and thus helped himself too. Some of the harrowing stuff he had to deal with, he used to suffer with awful nightmares too


It must be to do with the memories flooding back in from the subconcious ...that's my guess

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I always wondered about this. I only get depressed and really miss my ex in my sleep. I can feel it while I'm sleeping. It goes away pretty quickly after waking up. For men, a lot of us become aroused during REM sleep because we're so relaxed. I wonder what the science behind the emotions are, but for me, I would guess that I miss my ex so much on my sleep because my walls and distractions aren't with me when I'm snoozing away.

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I feel the exact same, mornings are the hardest at the moment. I thought perhaps it was just me, that's the great thing about this forum you realise we're all going through similar things. I've wondered if I'm dreaming about her, it's quite common to forget what you've dreamed when you wake up but there may be some residual feeling in your sub-conscience (I back that up with no science whatsoever btw!). I'm going to try getting straight out of bed and doing something rather than laying there thinking.

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"When you're dreaming with a broken heart, the waking up is the hardest part..." - John Mayer


Mornings are the most painful for me too. Waking up and knowing that nothing has changed and we're still broken up feels like my heart is breaking all over again. I hope that this passes eventually. I'm tired of waking up thinking of my ex when he doesn't deserve to be on my mind anymore.

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Wow. It's amazing to see that everyone else has this problem, too. I absolutely HATE mornings now. I hate waking up. Every day, once the day gets going, especially as it creeps into the later afternoon/evening, I actually feel kind of alright. I'm doing things and trying to keep my mind occupied. Of course I've struggled with thoughts of her here and there, but I realize it's over and I realize there's nothing to do but let time do its thing.


Then the next day comes, I wake up, and I just feel awful. It's like the entire realization that I'm going to have to try to get through yet another day of feeling miserable, lonely, and I just miss her so much.


It's so strange. I agree that whatever is happening in your subconscious while sleeping probably has a lot to do with it. The power of the mind is incredible. Just how your mind is at a moment can make it either a powerful weapon or your worst enemy. Mine has definitely been a foe lately with no end in sight.


This is so hard...

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Have the same problem as well, hardest part is waking up, my heart is pounding , I'm looking around like I'm a new born puppy who last their favorite bone only to realize some other dog is probably gnawing on it .... everyone keeps saying time...time...time makes it better.. i sure hope it does!

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