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Just checking in...


Well I'm ok... I think. The better I get, the harder I fall. The other night I was super depressed, highly emotional and had alot of 'energy'. Scary place to be in, especially when coupled with dark or suicidal thoughts. Much worse than a stable, catatonic and chronic depression imo.


Will post again when I have access to a computer.


Thanks for the kind words.


Sleep now. zzzzzzzz zzzzz zzzzzzz

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I'm feeling a bit better. Thanks guys.


I've resumed my medication and had a bit of good news this week. It's stirring up doubt in my but I think I need to "feel the fear and do it anyway".


I think I need to go back to seeing an individual therapist. I realise I have a massive problem with thinking about the future and uncertainty. I made a thread about it about a week ago. I don't seem to have that excitement when faced with an uncertain future that many people have. I have so much apprehension and fear when it comes to thinking about anything in the future I'm immobilised by it.


IAG, I will look into that book you suggested. I'm always into new ideas for non fiction books to read.


Actually, something in one of your previous posts caught my interest, but I think I'll need to PM you because I think it would break the rules on political discussion. Is that okay?

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  • 1 month later...

I don't understand people AT ALL.


It's depressing but I'm heading towards 30 in a few years, without any clue what particular niche I fit into. I have issues with just about all particular subsets that people belong to.


The misunderstood loner thing I've had going on most of my life is really starting to get old now. I'd rather be fake and fit in, rather than entertain grandiose ideas about my own authenticity and be an eternal loner.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Yes, it was many, many years ago - LOL, he must be ancient now. I recall he did part, if not most of the performance sitting in a big old armchair on stage, and there was one song where there were tiny bits of paper like white confetti rain coming down from the ceiling over him like snow. I also saw Joe Cocker live when I was a teenager and ACDC when Bonn Scott was alive. They were probably the best. Bonn Scott was a skinny weedy little guy with this enormous personality, and I can't explain it, but he was probably one of the most, if not the most, sexiest man I ever saw.

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Really? Bonn Scott? I'm not gay but Jim Morrison was damn good looking and I can understand why females find him attractive. Bonn Scott though? I can't see it. Really? lol


I read in another thread your son is living in Berlin? I wanna live in Berlin I'm so sick of living in Western Australia and generally Australia. I wanna go live somewhere else. Come back to Australia when I'm older and want to settle down. I know we have it good here, a lot better than Europe and America, but I feel so isolated in Australia and especially Western Australia. My city is closer to Indonesia than Melbourne and Sydney! Cheaper to fly to too. The problem with my city is it is still relatively small and not much happens here, outside of fairly mainstream things. It's getting better but it still isn't that great for a 20 something.


So in other news, I some how stumbled into becoming treasurer of a local chapter of a international human rights organisation. I'm really trying to put myself out there. Hopefully it pays off being involved in all these different things. I desperately need to meet some new friends.

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Hi Jonty,

Bonn Scott's sex appeal cannot be explained. It was something only apparent when seeing him in person - I've never seen so much charisma in my whole life. I think back then, he came accross as one of the "bad boys" your parents didn't want you hanging about with. Of course, I don't think he was bad - but he was a larrikin. Very sad he died so young.

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Jonty, funny thing you mention about your city being small. I went back to Brisbane to meet my mother and spent a little time on the Gold Coast as well. It was really weird in a way because even though I have visited, I haven't lived there for 20 years and it is so much bigger, and now at a point where I couldn't live there comfortably. The strangest thing though was that from the time I left the airport to the time I went back to the airport, I didn't get to see any views. I travelled on freeways which had these big concrete barricades beside them. Where my mother and sister now live where country type areas when I was growing up, and now they are massive housing estates which apart from some large undercover shopping centres are nothing but suburban houses. It feels like there is no real culture to speak of - well of course there is a culture, but one that is foreign to me. I would say you have to live there to experience the culture which is likely visiting people and going to barbeques and parties at each others homes - that's a lot of what my sisters do anyway.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I really hate living in places that are all concrete, brick and pavement. I need nature around me and green spaces. I guess the lovely thing about Perth, and Australia in general, is that you are never too far from nature. Half an hour drive and I'm out in the bush. Most cities I've been too have no soul really. I definitely think Melbourne has the most out of anywhere I've been to in Australia.


I haven't really felt a part of this forum lately. I find there is a very heavy sway towards conservatism/americentrism here. Nothing wrong with either, I just wish it was a bit more balanced. People posting things about homelessness being a choice makes me not want to come here. Most homeless people I've met or had interactions with have mental illnesses and I'd like to think in the 21st century we are compassionate enough to realise that. I dunno, this place bums me out sometimes.


In other news, I might be contributing to a journal article!

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