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Is this just aa phase, or is something going on??


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Hi everyone,


It's been awhile since i wrote, but alot has been going on in my mind for months on end! i've been thinking that im going through phase because I have no feelings for my biological family whatsoever. Is this crazy or what?? In actuality, i have very strong feelings for this specific teacher that Ive known for 5 years. Im in college now and this feeling I have for my family has not gone away. that's why Im thinking Im going through a phase or something.


Know this, that my familiy is not the most loving and caring family in the world. Actually they are 'fakers" meaning everything they do and say is not sincere. i was treated horribly and lied to too often when i was a child. i remember everything so well. My family does not know who i am and i don't know them and honestly don't care to know them. im not trying to be hateful, but i can't lie to myself anymore about my feelings. sometimes i feel i belong to 'other people" because im just so out of place with my family. I never know what to say and i don't know how to act with them. but with other people Im 'free" to be the person I want!


can anyone explain this? does this have anything to do with how I was raised? or could this be one of those rare situations when a child finds happiness and comfort with their 'true family" and not the biological families. I know this is weird, but ive been feeling this way for years on end. i just kept ignoring the feeling because I didnt know how to speak my mind well to "my people' all responses are appreciated.


"do not go where the path may lead, instead go where there is no path and leave a trail" capricornious

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Heh I remember when I first got into college I felt the same way you… I felt everything you just said. I didn't even enjoy talking to my parents, but I think it's because you lived with them for so long and you get tired of each other for a little. You'll soon see that it wasn't your parents that were making you unhappy but you were unhappy because you needed some time away from them.

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