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Is this odd or am i over-analyzing?

lonely rose

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My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 months, we're both 30. He introduced me to his parents about 3 weeks ago and last weekend they were having a surprise party for his mom's birthday to which he did not invite me. I am not upset or anything, but I felt a bit uncomfortable that he didn't ask me if I wanted to go and a few of my friends mentioned it was awkward...

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It is a little strange, but you have only been seeing each other for 3 months, maybe he is not ready to introduce you to the extended family just yet. It could be numerous reasons, eg. an ex. partner might be going and it might be awkward or its a close family event,Why dont you ask him? You havent mentioned the status of your relationship eg. exclusive or casual.

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It is a little strange, but you have only been seeing each other for 3 months, maybe he is not ready to introduce you to the extended family just yet. It could be numerous reasons, eg. an ex. partner might be going and it might be awkward or its a close family event,Why dont you ask him? You havent mentioned the status of your relationship eg. exclusive or casual.


We're exclusive. I was thinking to ask him kind of casually, but I did not want to sound like I was giving him a hard time.

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PaintWithLight: I didn't ask how small it is, that is what I thought that maybe it's just the family and relatives. You're probably right. I kind of let it go and today as I was talking with a friend I mentioned it and my friend said it was odd especially considering I had already met his parents and siblings.

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You met them once, 3 weeks ago. Would you have to travel and stay over? Maybe there isn't enough room.


Also, you met the parents. Not the whole family. And maybe they want the focus to be on his mom, and not his new gf.


Relax. He introduced you.

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Honestly, if it was a large family get together he probably didn't want to subject you to it like that. You can see how it is, walking from table to table greeting various family members. Not knowing all of them could prove very overwhelming to you. Plus, maybe he doesn't like his extended family that much

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Only dating for 3 months, met his family only once, and a really personal family gathering like that, I wouldn't take it as a snub. For me, that would just be his private family time. It was his mom's special day and having to introduce you to other family members and her friends you hadn't met would take away from that.

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