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JENKIES!!! ZOINKS!!! what do you think about this?

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Ok I think this is strange but give me your opinion. Me and my best friend talk about EVERYTHING. But he always brings up stuff about "heh im bigger than you" (down low) but neither of us know who's really "bigger". So here we are fighting about it saying "im this big" , and the other coming back saying "well im this big" (and its always bigger) or whatever. (lol this is stupid eh?) This hapened in school , then we were talking about it and started saying how big around we are and how long FOR REAL. But neither of us believed the other one. So he wants to "compare" just to see. I didnt have anything against it but we havent done it yet.


Is that strange? He ALWAYS talks about it and "penises". Does that mean anything? I mean we hug sometimes (but i mean thats not a big deal) and put our arms around eachother and have several handshakes. But in public he doesnt really do any of that, but when we are in private he'll do it. He doenst have a girlfriend - he acts like he likes girls but I really dont know if he does or not. maybe hes BI. He does talk about girls a lot too like "dang look at that" ... the usual. Someone help. Thanks

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Alright, I'm going to start off by honestly answering your question. What do I think of this? I think it's very odd that you would want to compare your penis to your friends penis, and even more odd that you're certain that you'll both be aroused by this. Now I'm not judging you, but being aroused by a member of the same sex generally says that you're a bisexual or a homosexual, but it's certainly hard to tell at such a young age.


I would not suggest you do this. It just seems like a very awkward and uncalled for situation that isn't likely to bring about anything good. Besides, what if word gets around that you two have willingly whipped out your privates and showed them off to each other? Can you begin to imagine the horrible rumors that would be spread around? Besides, your friend seems a little too eager to do this, and it could be that his "dang look at that" comments are simply used to give the impression that he's straight. It's not uncommon for people to be ashamed of their attraction for the same sex (You can't really blame them given the close-minded attitude of our society) and will try their hardest to hide their sexual preference by making loud and obnoxious comments about the opposite sex.


Now I don't think that friends changing in front of each other is such a big deal (I do this often with my girl friends) but I'll admit I would certainly be alarmed if one of my pals suggested we compare our breasts and then stated that she enjoyed *cough* the experience. I certainly would not feel as comfortable around her anymore, as it's just something that I generally think you shouldn't do. It would be even stranger if one of them suggested we compare vaginas, just as strange as what your friend is suggesting, and I would never in a million years agree to it. However, you're free to do what you want, but I would advise you to think carefully about what you're contemplating doing.


Take care,



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Well....it's really hard to tell exactly what the case is considering your age. Is there anything wrong with "comparing?" Well, no, but it depends on how you feel to decide on whether or not comparing or showing somebody else is "wrong." I mean, if your certainly confident that you yourself are not gay than not at all. I know college students that have no problem whipping it out for the whole world to see that are not gay. But, chances are that you don't know for sure whether you are or not. What will happen next if you proceed to do this? Well, that also depends on how you feel, but not just you this time, both of you. Comparing at that age is actually somewhat normal. Most people deny it because in today's society that is almost immediately looked at as homosexual behavior.


Anyway, how do you feel about your sexuality? How would you react if anything more were to come of it? If you don't know for sure than maybe some experimenting can help you? If you know for sure that you are not gay than you should have no problem with comparing because thats all it is. It really all depends on your confidence level and during your middle teens, the confidence level of your sexuality is usually lacking.


If you have any other questions, feel free to PM me.

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hmm..... interesting..... experiement? wut do u mean? im not really sure how i feel.... and if we did... i dont know how i would react... i almost think "something" would happen....... but what do you mean experiment? and i really cant believe hes this comfortable with it. We were going to do it a month ago but he was afraid my parents would see us. And he couldnt get "up". Then i was reading something online and it said that its not unusual for your "penis to go on strike when you are nervous". So if hes nervous that would mean he couldnt be gay right? cause then he would WANT IT BAD? .... gosh

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