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Relationship update


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Hey I just wanted to update what I am currently working through. It's been a rough few months I don't really know what to say. My girlfriend or ex finally came out and said a few things that hurt me but I don't really care. She said she wished she never moved. She blamed me for her unhappiness and I think she still blames me for a lot of things. I really tried to be the best boyfriend I could to her. I took her places, listened to her, let her have a shoulder to cry on, made her laugh and now I'm being blamed for the things that are going wrong in her life and she wants something better. So after the last final "days" of our "relationship" which was me just constantly trying to win her back and make her happy.


I admit I made mistakes and that I am not perfect and she even went so far as to say that I can't be trusted. I'm really over that she said that I couldn't be trusted because I asked her some questions about us when she was drunk because I wanted the truth. I didn't force her to drink nor did I intentionally get her drunk to ask her questions just so everyone knows it's just that she likes to hold her emotions in and I didn't feel she could ever come to me and open up so I tried something different. I just want to make it clear that I did read her diary which was wrong of me I know I should have never done that. Trust in the relationship is very important I was just going through a rough patch because I felt like she was going to cheat on me or leave me so I had a moment of weakness no one is perfect. I dealt with alot of her **** and constant mood swings and her unhappiness and her not willing to give me anything back in the relationship.


So here is where I am right now. We broke it off last week and I had a moment of weakness and tried to cling to tight when I know I should let go. She said she was going to move out which I am ok with because she needs to find happiness. We went on a few dates and now she is being really distant and *****y which is fine I don't care it just makes it easier to get past her because I don't need to deal with this crap. I love her with all my heart and soul but now it's going away and I really thought we were going to last. She should be moving out by the end of this month and I am hoping I will be able to control myself and not call her or talk to her so I can heal and move on. I have been crushed to much and felt not like a man by this woman and I know I deserve better because I know how to treat a woman and I am fun. I just know I am going to need help and support because I don't think I can do it alone. Thanks for taking the time to read I just need to get my head straight.

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