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Need to know why girls are evil!!!


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I am doing a project for one of my college classes and I am proving the theorem that "Girls = Evil." But, I need to insight into the female world. If anyone has anything juicy and drop-dead funny that I could use in my presentation to prove this theorem, please post it here. It would help SO much. Thanks in advnce ladies and gents.

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well, ive got one for you thats juicy...not funny though...my ex girlfriend and i were going out 2.5 years...for the last 2 months she had feelings for another guy and knew she wanted to leave me....even so, those last two months she continued to make love to me, tell me that we were meant to be together forever, and that she wanted my babies....EVIL

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I am doing a project for one of my college classes and I am proving the theorem that "Girls = Evil." But, I need to insight into the female world. If anyone has anything juicy and drop-dead funny that I could use in my presentation to prove this theorem, please post it here. It would help SO much. Thanks in advnce ladies and gents.


You're actually going to try and write a paper proving women are evil, but you're asking for insight into the female world...if you don't know enough about women, then how have you come to the conclusion they are evil?


Have you told your professor what your theorem is? If he/she went ahead and gave you the greenlight, all I can do is shake my head in sadness at the state of our higher educational system. They sure aren't pushing for actual intellectual theory anymore.


And if you have actually reached college age and think women are evil - enough to the point you want to write a paper about it - well, I'm sad for you, too.

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Girls aren't evil. They can make your whole day just by flirting with you a little, or showing they like you. Some days I just feel so insignificant, like there is nothing to live for, no light at the end of a tunnel. Just a small little thing keeps me going, love. When I think about her, I forget all my worries. She makes me happy. Just one glance at her and I am starting to feel better. Girls radiate happiness.

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While I don't think girls are evil, I thought this might be helpful:


Proof the girls are evil


First we state that girls require time and money

Girls = Time x Money


And as we all know Time is money

Time = Money



Girls = Money x Money = (Money)^2


And Because "Money is the root of all evil"

Money = sqrt{Evil



Girls = (sqrt{Evil)^2


And we are forced to conlude that:

Girls = Evil



Hope that helped.

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You're actually going to try and write a paper proving women are evil, but you're asking for insight into the female world...if you don't know enough about women, then how have you come to the conclusion they are evil?


lol, yea that was my reaction too. So I'm _assuming_ it is said with a bit of humour (I hope!?).





As for girls being evil... I don't think relativly speaking there are more of them then evil guys.


But, to be fair, girls do seem more evolved in the art of psychological warfare as I call it, but the good ones doesn't use it even if they could.


And it seems pretty easy to end up in situations where for some reason or another, due to misunderstandings or misdirected intent one gets hurt by them(deeper then by anything else). But most such things could probably be solved with communication.


All in all what other creatures on this planet are as cool and cute and everything as them?, as facksfunny said. Gives enourmous happiness inside and meaning/value and light in darkness.


In my book they're the best and coolest, worship them instead of trying to dig up propaganda/reasons to believe their evil. Perhaps if you did a little more of that they wouldn't be too busy running away from you to give you some of that insight ... now go and hug one!

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girls are evil. or at least they can be so senseless that they come off as evil.


my ex of 6 months has had 4 or 5 boyfriends before we got together. basically when she lost her bf, she'd have another waiting in line. all of these guys were your basic bad boys with nothing really attractive about them (i've seen some of them, not exactly great catches as far as looks or brains) all her previous boyfriends dumped her or cheated on her and they broke up as a result. so when we got together, she would say how much she loved me and how much she was glad to have a great guy for a boyfriend finally. everything was good, until she dumped me one day because i was "too nice, and deserved better than her" turns out she was cheating on me with one of her ex boyfriends, and they started dating again one week after she dumped me. i was the first guy she ever dumped, the other dumped her or it was mutual.


logic? she has trashy boyfriends that she never dumps, but finally meets a nice guy and dumps him because she was cheating on him and lying to him. nice.

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NorthShore, don't write mathematical equations if you do not know the basics of math. When we take the square root of something you always put a +- sign in front of it (the minus goes right under the plus, I just don't know how to do it on the computer) because the out come could be negative or positive. So Girls = +-(sqrt{evil^2) we end up with Girls = +(more) evil, Girls = -(less) evil. So they can make you happy or sad.

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What Scount wrote: =D> =D> =D>


This has been done before exactly the same way NorthShore did. Actually, this method has been used to prove all sorts of things that require "time and money". Not just girls.


And if you actually discovered a way to prove that girls are evil, this would be very, very sad. Excuse my lack of humour.

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Why do you think girls are evil? Some girl caused you a little heartburn? This is a good place as any to spill the beans and talk about it


But then, if you actually find a way to prove that women are evil, then the women on here might not be looking forward to help you out on this board. Hmm? Something to think about?

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Why would you want to prove that girls are evil? How are they evil? Would you like it if a girl said that guys are evil? Don't treat people the way you wouldn't like to be treated. Do your theorem on something else, I'm sure you will not get a very high mark on it if you do it about girls being evil.

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Have you told your professor what your theorem is? If he/she went ahead and gave you the greenlight, all I can do is shake my head in sadness at the state of our higher educational system. They sure aren't pushing for actual intellectual theory anymore.


That was the first thing that popped into my head also. Never in any of my university courses would a professor agree to this topic. There wouldn't be anything to go on besides empirical evidence and heresay. They usually don't create a very concrete argument.


Guys pull some really nasty crap too. I'm sure that some of the females here have some god-awful horror stories about things that have happened to them in the past. Just today I was reading over a couple of threads that could prove this: one was about a woman who was dating a guy for two years, then found out that he is married with 2 kids and had another girlfriend/ mistress for 4 years. The other was about a woman whose husband left her to live with an 18 year old girl and who will not work to avoid having to pay child support for his kids from other marriages.


Human beings in general are mostly good, but of course, there are those who will screw you over if given the chance and opportunity for something better. Men are just as capable of pulling crap as women are.

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