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What are her intentions?

Double J

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I met this girl from the internet in person about 10 months ago or so, and we met on my campus (She attended the same community college campus I currently attend, but she already graduated and transferred). Keep in mind she's 23. So we meet, and I definitely like her personality because she's super sweet and nice, and at the same time, low-key and rather reserved (The way I like girls to be).


In all honesty, the physical attraction wasn't too high, but I still thought she was cute. She's super quiet (almost to a fault) and I had to carry the conversation from start to finish. Nonetheless I still enjoyed talking to her. Here's how I knew for a fact she was interested - right when I signed on later on, she sent me an instant message.


I'm pretty sure this girl in not experienced in the world of dating. She had told me she was a virgin, the guys she had gone out with had mostly been from AOL, and the most recent date that preceded my meeting with her was 45 minutes!


The main reason she didn't pique my interest was because I was talking to someone else at the time, my now ex g/f. Earlier this year, I also had several little flings with different girls. But now that I look back, this girl seems to have the personality that I really like in a girl - and she really seemed to like me for who I am, despite being 19 and her 23.


I've been calling her again recently, and she seems to be a little suspicious about my sudden thaw. We've been playing cat and mouse lately - everytime I call she doesn't pick up, but she'll call back at some unexpected point - the other day she called at 3 AM and I couldn't believe it when I saw the missed call the next day. Yesterday I called, but when she called back, I didn't have the phone with me.


So my view is that this girl is a private person, obviously shy and lacking in experience with guys. But she still seems interested I think - she went on a trip and called to let me know she had returned, but I don't know.


Any feedback would be appreciated, especially from the girls.

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Its hard to say exactly what her intentions are because we don't know her. You probably know her better than you think:


So my view is that this girl is a private person, obviously shy and lacking in experience with guys. But she still seems interested I think - she went on a trip and called to let me know she had returned, but I don't know.


If she's calling you thats a good sign. Have you tried asking her out again? It could be she's the type of person who takes a while to warm up to people.



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