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Did I blow it already?


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I met this very cute girl at a bar last night and had a very good coversation and chemistry going with her. She was very touchy feely with me and gave me plenty of signs. It was just her and her friend at the bar and they both seemed very intersted by me. When the night ended I asked if they wanted to come out to this other bar with my friends and I. The girl I liked said that she would go if her friend went but her friend wanted to meet some people at the another bar.


The girl I was talking to gave me her phone number during the night so after I got to the bar and was there for awhile I called her up to see if she wanted to come over to the bar I was at.(The one she went too closed so I knew she had left.) She said she was just chillin and was going to sleep. I asked what she was doing this weekend and she said she was going up to our pep rally for our school tonight. I told her we should meet up and chill later this weekend.


My question is for any ladies, did I blow it by calling her so soon. Should I actually call her this weekend or would that be even worse or should I just call her next weekend after she has some time. I need some advice because I really dig this girl.

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Personally, i would have left it probably 2 or 3 days before calling but i dont see a problem in calling to see if she wanted to come over to the bar you were in, it was a nice thought! You would really be blowing it if you didnt call her at the weekend after saying that you would like to meet up with her!



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Personally, i would have left it probably 2 or 3 days before calling but i dont see a problem in calling to see if she wanted to come over to the bar you were in, it was a nice thought! You would really be blowing it if you didnt call her at the weekend after saying that you would like to meet up with her!




Good advice. You definitely need to follow up with a call over the weekend. Don't feel stupid about calling the same night, either. I've met some pretty cool guys at bars (I know, I know, everyone hates the bar scene, but I've had long term relationships with guys I've met out) who called me the same night. As long as they are respectful, and I don't get the feeling they're calling to get me to come over to their place, I'm flattered that they are interested enough to call so soon. As long as they don't barrage me with calls the next day, that is.


In your case, since you ended the conversation inferring that you wanted to meet up over the weekend, make sure you follow up with (one) phone call.

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I see what you mean Daywalker, but there are exceptions. Sometimes two people really click on a level that makes it ok to show your interest soon. It's those situations that often lead to an actual relationship.


Any serious relationship I ever had, the guy didn't have to play any games about showing his interest. We just honestly really liked each other enough at the beginning that there was an exceptional comfort level.


It's the guys who wait forever to call back that usually don't pan out to be anything, dating/relationship wise - in my experience.

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Oy - don't follow the rules so closely! lol


I would love it if a guy that I liked and 'clicked with' gave me a shout. You don't EVER have to wait for three days to call a girl if she's actually into you. If she likes you, she won't care when you call.


You didn't blow it. She liked you obviously! Good luck!

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