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Need insight on long distance hook up with guy who just got out of a relationshi


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ugh...I know the title already sounds doomed....met a guy about a month ago he was traveling through town. I knew him from a mutual friend who lived up north....As he lives 7 hours up north as well. Anyway, I have never felt such instant attraction with someone. It felt mutual as well. I brought him home and he stayed the night. We still were really into each other the next morning. He had to leave and go home and we both agreed to let each other know when the other was in town and stay in touch.


He also had JUST gotten out of a long term relationship (3 years?) with a girl who he was living with about a few weeks before. So I knew I should give him space and see what happens. A few weeks went by with no communication and then I heard from him again when he was in town, we hung out and once again instant attraction where you cant stop looking at each other or keeping your hands off one another. It was crazy to me. Then I went up north for a visit (I am going to be moving to where he is early next year)...and we spent two days together hanging out. But I know his mind is all mixed up as he was stlll trying to deal with his x girlfriend moving out. I dont know what is on his mind...I didnt want to push it....


SO I can assume with him JUST breaking up with his girlfriend and me living 7 hours away he doesnt want a relationship but maybe just hook up when we are in the area? It has been a few days since I left and havent heard from him...I am guessing we will not stay in contact and it will maybe just be see you when i see you. My problem is it is kind of driving me crazy...I have never liked someone like this and didnt think I could...SHould I wait it out? should I be mad that things were so passionate and awesome and then I go to just NOTHING....?! I wonder if it was just sex for him but why did we spend the days together and he was so into me......Any input or advice on what I should do would be much appreciated.....

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No you shouldn't be angry at him...you were a willing participant in what you knew was casual sex with someone fresh out of a relationship. You went in with both eyes open. You are his booty call when he is in town or when you are in his town. If it is already driving you crazy and you really like him, then perhaps it is time to walk away from this and find someone a) who has been single for a while and not getting over a break up; b) Is looking for a relationship not a sex diversion from his problems.

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A few weeks isn't enough for him to get over his long term relationship. I would suggest keeping everything at the friendship level, he is most likely really hurt from his previously relationship and you are what he uses to comfort himself. If you want to be used like that, then it's up to you. But if you want it to last, then wait at least a few more months before going further than a friendship.

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Thanks so much for the reply. It is painful to hear I am just his booty call and whatnot....We definitely had a sexual chemistry I never had with anyone but I know emotionally he must be confused and going through a lot...It is just hard because he was the one that was so affectionate wanting to make out and hold hands every moment we had....It is maybe good I live so far away. Is it too late that we already slept together? Do you think in the future he will be more ready if he was interested in me...Like I said, I am moving there in about 6 months....I am just afraid he will start dating someone else or something...I really liked him...I sound crazy but I usually am not into guys this way...This is the first time Ive ever felt like this and I am 30.

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