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im a good looking guy but i have trouble aproaching girls


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i am a sophmore in high school and i havnt had a girlfriend since eigth grade. I am tall, smart and athletic and most girls consider me good looking. but whenever a girl starts making flirtatious conversation i get nervouse and dont dont kno what to say

there is this hot girl who is a freshmen that i have seen around. but i dont really kno how to approach her because i havnt even talked to her before. i just dont want to come off likea creep. if you have any suggestions i would really apreciate it[/b]

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I would suggest not to worry so much, about when you approach a girl. It may seem stupid, because you may screw or say something bad, but once you stop worrying about the outcome, then everything will go smoother. So, sum up your fears, and talk. Good luck!

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girls like to flirt so ide sugest to flirt with her...make long eye contact and give her a lil smerk...give her hints that u lke her...maybe if u work yourself Dare yourself to ask her to a school game or maybe just to come over to ur house afterschool or something...She wont resist ...

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if i were you id keep the conversation serious in the start. If your getting nervous and tongue-tied when their flirting with you, you're not going to seem like a funny guy even if you make a good joke. Play it cool, don't try to be funny or outgoing in the start, many girls happen to like guys that challenge them. (showing no mood= a challenge)

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