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Never been kissed..


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Ok this is so embarrassing but wat the heck..

I never been kissed in my whole life..

I mean I never went on a date or hard a b/f till 9 months ago..

he is my first b/f and I have to say he has made me feel happier then anything..

Now here is the catch.. he lives all the way in florida..

and I live in NJ..

We are obviously planning to meet in the Summer.. but Im getting way too nervous (I noe its early to get nervous).. and no not nervous about meeting him.. evben though I prob be nervous of wat he thinks of me...

But my main nervousness is how to kiss.. I mean I never kissed in my whole life.. and apperantly he is experienced (no not all the way).. and yes I am very nervous about kissing since I never kissed.. and now im rambling great.. please help me.. at least give me a few tips.. on any type of kissing..

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You're not the only one nervous, im sure he is to.hmm kissing, what kinda of kissing you planning on, tongue kissing or just kiss on lips?

theres really no wrong way of kissing, just gently press against his lips and kiss him.Dont be shy


Hope it all works out

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What why do u think thats bad?Im 17 and a half and havent even hugged a girl or gone out with one ever.There are even more people who are way worse then both of us who are like 24 and havent eveer kissed or hugged a girl or had a girlfriend or anything.

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yeah, I had my first kiss at 19..I don't think it's anything to be ashamed about, I just never met the right guy. I've been asked out by guys before that but never really felt an attraction to any..if you're attracted to the guy, you'll want to kiss him & it will feel right, don't worry about it. If you really want step-by-step instructions though, I'm sure it was posted in previous threads, if you want to look back in this forum.

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I think you all worry too much about kissing. It never even dawned on me when I was younger. I would not sweat it, it will come naturally. Well it should. If I had to give a pointer, don't be all sloppy.


Shinobee....you seem to have a lot of confidence in yourself.



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There's absolutely nothing wrong with not jumping on the bandwagon and going ninety to nothing in a relationship. Some people just don't take things as quickly and it takes some people longer to find the right person. Don't think that what everyone else does is the "norm."

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i personally think there is a kinda pressure from friends/tv etc to get a g/f / b/f wenever u can and get kissing. but u shudnt be influenced!


im 17, not ben kissed yet, but im not fussing running around begging to kiss someone. if i meet someone i fancy ill get chatting and if we go out we'll kiss.


dont feel pressured into doing something just because everyone else is !

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