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just venting...but could use some advice...

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Well, I've been feeling really down lately. In case you haven't read my earlier posts, Well, I had been feeling depressed for a while.....I moved out of my mom's house( i now live with my dad, and everytime I see my mom she "sends" my on a guilt trip), I lost my best friend(got in a fight..), then my bf and I broke up which made me even more depressed which made my friends panic and go tell the school psycho. to see me.....and then she called my dad to tell him what my friends had told her( i'm really depressed, i cut....blablabla...).

I spent a month crying but last week i got fed up with crying and decided to stop. I spent a week ceeping my emotions in me and now i really can't take it.ive been crying for the last 2 hours and i cant stop.....before my friends were telling me i was getting depressing to be around, now they're telling me i'm "acting" fake...I don't know what to do anymore...i can't take much more of this....no one really knows how badly depressed i am.....the only time i actually feel happy lately is when i am drunk, but that, i know, is not a good thing...

i feel so empty....so alone......

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You didn't have a very good experience with the "school psycho" which is really unfortunate. Honestly, I think the best thing for you would be to talk to someone outside of school, like a therapist, who will not be able to tell your dad what you said. You need to get all this stuff off your chest and have someone work you through it all in a safe environment.


I went through similar experiences when I was 16. Finally I told my mum how depressed I was and she found me someone to talk to. It helped A LOT. Can you ask one of your parents if they can find someone for you to talk to? Tell them you really need to talk to someone. Or the guidence councelor's office at school? Free help is usually available to teens the trouble is you just have to know where to look.


I agree with bader, the important thing is to try to remember the positive aspects of you life so you have something good to look at rather than the same old. It might also help to find a new activity that gets you out and gets your mind off the other stuff for a few hours.


Best of luck!


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