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why is life trying to drive me crazy?


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ive had an okish week, weve got a new puppy whos the cutest thing ive ever seen, and nuttins gone too wrong. i started a volunteer work today at a residential home, which was really nice, everyone was nice, the old people were, nice, quite happy in fact, i was expectin them to be well old, thou a few have a couple of difficulties but their all happy so it was great, and kinda fun aswell.

my problem is... theres this guy i used to work with who i really like but he is engaged to a really lovely girl, and he left work so i didnt think id see him agen, but ive seen him loads of time at diff places and today he was in this band/prayer group that came to the home and he looked great! life is so bloody cruel sometimes! its not fair. questions

1. why does the world have to send you someone ud rather not see cos it hurts/is awkward/etc?

2. why is it that when i like a guy and he is with someone else that their patner is so nice that u cant be catty bout her to make u feel better? (i know thats not nice but its really annoyin that u have to be nice cos their so nice and its the last thing want to do)

3. why does life feel like it wants to screw with my head?

owell.. gonna go cry in self pity now oh wait, it appears life wont let me do that either!


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Life sucks...I've learned that the hard way...there have been many times, where I want to give up on love...yet I know I can't. Where only in this world a short time...and if I give up now...I'll never know if I could have succeeded. So one day I decided to change my life...now I have my life finally on track, and I know I'll find love...plus, the people I used to like, I simply glad that I'm friends with them now...I know it's rough at times, to see people you don't want too...but unfortuanetly life isn't always fair...you can cry in a corner if you want too...but what will that solve? Face your akwardness...and accept it. Good luck!

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