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Please help I don't know where to turn


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This is a follow up to my post earlier. Do I let him go?


Against all your advice I saw him. He came to my room and I asked why we broke up. Again he got upset and said he couldn't tell me. I begged him to but he just got angry and asked to leave. Stupidly I stood in front of the door and told what he was doing wasn't fair because I didn't know where I stood and to tell me. Then he lost it. He pushed me out of the way and starting pinning me down to the floor screaming at me. I tried to fight my way up but of course he was too strong for me and kept pushing me down as I tried to get up. He even bit me 3 times. The result of this is I'm stuck in university seeing the someone I used to love, walk around after doing this to me. All I'm left with is several bruises, bites and a broken heart. I tried going to the university about this but they don't seem to care. Just told him to stay away from me! Great isn't it!? Any advice? I can't believe who he has become.

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woah. I'm really sorry that happened to you. Your ex sounds like a very abusive guy. I would stay away from him if I were you. Sorry your university isn't doing anything about it...that's really lame of them...Have you tried to talk to a counselor about it?

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I'm sorry you had to go through that. It's awful to realize what people have become after they start acting that way. It's good that you told him to stay away from you, and I would definitely suggest seeing a counselor- it's really comforting to talk to a professional about these matters- they can give you a great objective perspective on things. Good luck and keep in touch my friend.

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I was seeing someone about my depression before I came here. I'll probably continue when I go home from Uni. I'm probably going to leave here for good, I can't bear seeing him every day, the hurt is too much. I guess noone can take away what we had together, I suppose I'll always know my first love was real and special (until now) I know it sounds crazy but I still love him, even after this I still do. I thought I'd hate him, and I do until I see him. When I see him I can't help going over the special times that we shared together, in my head sometimes I feel he is still mine. I suppose I'll get over it, it'll just take a bit of time. None of this seems real quite yet

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Wow. What he did constitutes asault as far as I am concerned. I am glad you got away with only a few bruises. You were lucky. He is the one who needs counselling. Stay clear of him. I understand you probably still love him, but believe me, years from now you will look back and be glad you parted ways.

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unfortunately, abuse cannot make us stop loving someone. but maybe the best thing is for you to get out of that environment and into another school. the good thing is that you will never have to be in a situation where your ex can hurt you again, as long as you don't put yourself in that situation. I'm truly sorry for what you had to experience...there's no excuse for his behavior...none. I hope that he gets help for his problem and that you're able to move past this. It will be hard but it is doable if you give yourself time, especially time away from him and your current school situation.

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Unfortunately no, I can't stop loving him. I really wish I could maybe I would be able to stay in University. I'm leaving on Sunday, I'm going to give myself some time to lick my wounds (literally) and recover my broken heart! I want to email him, god only knows why, I suppose as a closure thing. I still care deeply for him and I don't want him to be depressed and think he has no1. Am I just being really stupid? I'll actually take advice this time. I can't believe I still feel sorry for him after he hurt me. Grr i am stupid!

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Okay, well it's been the whole of a day and a half. I feel like crap, I'm so desperate to talk to him. He is so down, I just want to help him. I know he is not happy doing what he is doing, he has admitted it so why is he still trying so hard to fit in. He was such a lovely person before. I keep praying he'll come to me, confide in me. I want him back so much, crazy I know but I can't help how I'm feeling. I'm leaving uni tomorrow and to be perfectly honest the main reason I'm dreading it is because I'm not going to see him again until Christmas. I didn't know a man/boy could cause me this much pain. I'm driving myself insane! Any ideas?

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