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she says she loves me , but wants to only be friends


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heres my story ,

we went out for 6.5 years engaged for 3, broke up for 4 or 5 months a couple of times but always got back together. our problem was her kids . they are very difficult to say the least. always in trouble. this caused me to back off and break up with her. she was very upset and stressed when i did this to her. all summer long we did stuff together and slept together a couple of times

she tried to get back with me but i was was not sure what i wanted. but after 4 months i realized that she is who i want to spend the rest of my life with and the kids are a package deal and i seriosly learnt every thing i could to cope with her kids and in doing so i learnt all the mistakes i made with her kids and now i feel that i have the tools to work on a family together (we lived together for 6 months , 3 years into our relationship but i did not know how to deal with kids and tried to be the father instead of a friend and we agreed to not live together, but we still stayed together

so heres where it gets tough, after i told her how i feel i found out that she is dating someone else but she thinks that i want her back for this reason which is not the case. but i got really emotional and did all the "i want you back stuff." and she was pissed off.

we still talk and the other day she told me that she loves me but it wont work out. we hugged and she had to pull away because she was going to start crying. she told me that she is dating this guy only once in awhile but she is taking it slow but when i ask her if she really likes him all she says is he is a nice guy.. i asked her if her kids met him yet and she said no she doesnt want someone else in their lives yet (their ages 16 and 12).

i never had a solid relationship with her kids (my ignorance but i stil loved them). but today i asked her if i could take her 12 year old out and do stuff with him and she said yes and her son was happy too. what i dont get is why is she letting me back into her kids life if she doesnt want me back and she knows if she becomes more serious wiht this guy and the kids are introduced to him it would creat some static in thier family.she says that im only taking her son out for brownie points but she still let me without hesitation. she is a person with high morals and she says she is not sleeping with him. unfortunately we live on the same street and i have to drive by her every day. this is tough . she says im never going to change towards her kids but why is she letting me try? im confused. other than that , we got along great, hardly argued ,complete trust in each other

and everytime we went out we had a blast. it bothered me a bit when we broke up but now i am going nuts i am a mess now, cant eat or sleep. how can i do the n/c rule and still bond wiht her kids. i am doing this for me and the kids not to win her back. 2 days ago i had knee surgury and am couch bound for a month . icant get out and take my mind off her. i never had a problem with women so i dont just want her back because i cant get anyone else, i love her . thanx for letting me vent but what do i do?



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You sound JUST like me....My ex of 7 years has a son as well. i have to do teh NC thing to yet I cannot see her. I don't know what to do either. She wants me to see her son, yet she has a new boyfriend. I woudl hate to be used....period.



_Be strong,




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today im talking to friends and they tell me that she is now going to come with me and my friends on saturday. this is something i had plans for for a month. and she knew this. i even asked her and she said no but now she wants to be thereand says she is going to do her own thing. but this bar is verry small i ask her about it and asked her not to go but she says she wants to go. she was very hostile and walked away pissed off, but i stayed calm . these are my friends not hers. is this head games or am i going nuts? she told me last night that she will never go back to me? should i go?

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i think that she is trying to separate me from my friends,(thier all couples ).her friends never have any money to go out. she is also cutting me up to my friends. this is totally out of charcter for her . im going bonkers. i think my anger stage is about to begin.

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