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The Burning (poem)


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The Burning


Our eyes stung

with such ferocity of being;

a bitter consequence of

the tension beneath,



Her eyes so softly burning,

The flickers buried deep within a

Corea of Coldness;

'Usurpers of

Love', I called them,

For why shall they be



Time - within mere

seconds elapsed

to ask a single,

dropping, 'Why?'


An answer with

a language of such complexity –

every soft

'a' and 'e' and 'i',

and every harsh accented

'c' and 'v' and 'y'


An alphabet of loss;


that temperate, aching



An impulse within then

rose to tease my throat,

To burn

the thoughts -

(Enough!) Yet

those two whole,

black, burning spheres,

like coals had just been



And so there I was dissolved;

melting in her now,

the alpha and beta

fixed - my mind

a union of




"Whatever had was gone," I said

And whatever was, had never

been; there were merely

eyes, merely looks,

mirrored laughs and tears, and

holds; yet none of that could

have ever been


so real.


There was now only eyes.

Hers so narrowed now,

in cold and dawning


"Yes," they said,

"You're right."


A newly formed conviction,

A new burning,

Raw inscription.


"For you are all too cold,"

she dismissed.

Her eyes all shifting time -

"A step too late,

it seems."


Walking on,

it's done now;


A fading memory.





I am entering this poem in my university's poetry contest, so that means (1) any feedback is much appreciated and (2) it will be copyright me in that case, so if you are considering taking any of it, that is plaigarism. Even if it's not published it is still plaigarism, but I just thought I'd give you a head's up, because the internet can be a scary place for this stuff.


Also, the reason why I posted this poem here was because this message board was such a great help to me this summer & in September in particular, in releasing my emotions & receiving helpful feedback, and so I thought it was somewhat appropriate. This poem encapsulates some of the tension I've felt recently. I am currently in love with my boyfriend but felt an unharbored attraction to someone else who is also in a commited relationship and due to a strong initial attraction between us (I'm assuming), there was always a lingering tension. This poem is loosely based on one time when I saw him & his eyes briefly locked with mine, before very cooly flickering elsewhere, as if he didn't care, or as if he didn't even know me. Although I pretended to be cool I felt like I was burning inside with shame and anger, because at that time I was still very much attracted to him, and he was trying to pretend there was nothing there, not even friendship. This poem is a dramatic, extrapolated version of what happened..sorta.


After writing it I feel a lot better. I am officially 'over' him now, so that's good..and still very much in love with my boyfriend.

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Hey guys,


thanks for the input. SarCareBear, this is my first time writing free verse so I'm not that good yet..still used to the more traditional style.


And did you go through something similar, or do you mean you read my previous messages? hehehe..that was quite a crush I had; but it's over now.


thanks again,



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