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Depressed for a long time


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Hey everyone...I've been looking for a job for the past 3-4 months and I can't seem to find one anywhere in town, I've even gone out of town to find one. My kitten died on Monday monring and my gf broke up with me 2 days ago. My life sucks and I hate it!!!



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Hey my friend. You are in a tough industry, so I know it must be really hard to keep facing the search and rejection every day. Job searches can really suck. I was out of work for 6 months a couple years ago and I hae a LOT of experience in my field.


You might try doing some volunteer work just to keep you busy instead of sitting around waiting for the phone to ring for a job. Helping others can make you feel good and also you gain contacts that ultimately can help with your job search. Its not a typical approach to a job search but hey, sometimes being creative can really pay off.


I'm sorry the gf thing didn't work out. But if the sparks aren't there, then they just aren't. Its nobody's fault. You are still a great guy and women will notice that.


And don't forget, you always have friends here!



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You definitely have friends here. I am so sorry about your kitten. I know you must be sad...and everything seems to be happening at once...


I've been there, and it's always amazing how things really do get better. Perhaps you could give us a few details about what kind of job you're looking for, and we can give you some feedback/suggestions.


- Scout

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