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I like talking on the phone when there is something to talk about. When the conversation bogs down and you just start talking about the formalities thats when it gets boring. If im not going to see my gf that day we may talk on the phone or we may not it is dependent on the day and whatever we both have going on. If you do happen to talk on a day that we arent going to see eachother then its a quick convo (up to 20 mins)

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I absolutely hate telephones. I can't understand people well on them and never have been able to. I hate that when a phone rings, suddenly the person calling is more important that anything that might be going on.


Nonetheless, if I am away from home, I call my wife every evening. I feel better knowing she is safe and everything is ok at home. So, hate them or not, sometimes they are a good thing.


I say I call, but in the last few years, if I can, we often use chat instead. We will spend much more time chatting online than we ever would on the phone. Mostly becasue of my problem understanding her on the phone.

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Im a girl but I just wanted to say that my bf HATES the telephone. When I met him 4 years ago he had a cell phone and we talked on it NON STOP!!! His dad paid the bill and it was always an outrageous amount. Once he got rid of the cell phone we really dont ever talk on the phone at all... He moved into his own apartment and decided not to get a phone. He would call me from work at the end of the day each day to say "Come over", or "Im just gonna hang out with my buddy tonight" ...


I wish he liked talking on the phone just a little bit

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Personally, I think it is one of the best ways to comunicate!. TXT (SMS) took off really big in the UK some 3 years ago, and it seemed everyone was TXT'n.


You cannot add emotion, humor, or the sense of mood you are in via, email, IM, txt, and Im a bif fan of the phone.


Of course the best way to comunicate is face to face.


Comunication is key to any relationship, and anyone that hides behind TXT IM etc etc is well... I mean, you hear of people splitting up by txt or IM. Now what the hell is that all about


OK, I'll get of my soap box now






Do I go left, do I go right... The answer is go forward, its the only way to go

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Comunication is key to any relationship, and anyone that hides behind TXT IM etc etc is well...


I agree very much with the first but I have to disagree with the second statement. Sometimes hiding is exactly what you need.


My wife has a hard time talking frankly about sex. Particullary telling me what she likes or does not like. Discovering ICQ chat a few years ago helped us a lot. For a long time the rule was "nothing you say on chat can come back to haunt you". We are much more relaxed about it now, but really, having a communications path that allows her to hide a little has helped a lot.

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I hate phones. I would do anything to not have to talk to someone over the phone. I've been known to drive outrageous distances to be able to talk to someone face to face. Second to that is through the good old postal service. Truly written form gives you all sorts of time to put down what you really want to say. For the day to day things I'll use e-mail, and if there is no way I can get around it I'll talk to you on the phone.


I've had my new cell for almost 6 months and have only been on it for… let me check… nine hrs and thirty one min.

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Im a girl but I just wanted to say that my bf HATES the telephone. When I met him 4 years ago he had a cell phone and we talked on it NON STOP!!! His dad paid the bill and it was always an outrageous amount. Once he got rid of the cell phone we really dont ever talk on the phone at all... He moved into his own apartment and decided not to get a phone. He would call me from work at the end of the day each day to say "Come over", or "Im just gonna hang out with my buddy tonight" ...


I wish he liked talking on the phone just a little bit



You are like, my savior. Im so confused because my new bf hates the phone and Im so used to talking to my bfs for hours! I feel asthough if he liked me more hed want to talk on the phone, but im not sure thats why im asking these guys input

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Ok, if you guys will excuse me just a moment I am gonna go all geeky on you.



For a lot of men telephones work poorly, particularly for womens voices. Men have tendency when they are young to damage part of their hearing, due to playing with things like fireworks, motorcycles, car engines and other loud things. At the same time telephones throw the high frequencies in womens voices away, its part of how they work. Between the two, you end up with very little voice information to work with.


As a man who did this damage to his hearing (and it gets worse as you age), I know you end up not being able to understand a woman on the telephone. (Its worse with kids.) If you can't understand the other person speak, and have to ask them to repeat stuff a lot, talking on the phone is not much fun and you get so you avoid it. When I was young I did not even know why I did not like to use the phone, just that it was unpleasent.




So, if your guy tends to not like to talk on the phone, particularly if he tends to talk too loud on the phone, that could be why.

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