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Girls.....what makes you LAUGH???


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I laugh when my boyfriend (or anyone) is just being plain silly and not trying too hard. It's a pretty big turn off when you can tell a guy is forcing himself to be funny.


The people that make me laugh the hardest are genuine, know how to have a good laugh at themselves and others WITHOUT tearing someone down. They can make intelligent jokes about things like politics.


I guess it would be easier to tell you what doesn't make me laugh: racist/sexist/homophobic/religious/hate-filled "jokes," and cutting-down humor... you know, the kind people do in junior high.

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I think if a girl likes a guy she will lauhg at anything he says, it doesn't even have to be funny. Well let me rephrase that she will laugh if he's trying to be funny, it's not like he tells her he has cancer and will die soon, she explodes in laughter. I think they will laugh if you are doing silly things, like a few days ago in art class we were doing charcoal drawing, the teacher came over and asked me how i was doing, i said fine, she said you seem to be strugling, why i asked, well your nose is covered in charcoal she said, and all the girls laughed even a few guys too. Or this one time in english my teahcer asked me something and the answer was pretty obvious, you know everyone knew it and i knew it too, but I said something completely different, on purpose, and everyone laughed, girls were laughing harder though. When I'm around girls that like me they just sort of light up and you can see it in their faces. It's like I'm their light at the end of a tunnel. They ask me alot of questions, to get me talking to them and at that point i find it easy to make a joke you don't really have to be funny, cuz they will pretty much laugh at anything. It's not like you're at the apollo theater doing stand up and everyone looks at you as if they're judging your performance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like stupid humour (when you do something dumb or say something which doesnt make sense...... and i dont mean ARRRRGRRRRRAHRAHRAHRHARARA) i think stupid humour is the funniest stuff and it portrays human nature. It makes people comfortable around you.... dont overdo it though.



Also I find that a great way to get laughs is to make fun of yourself. It shows your mature enough to not mind these things, shows that your funnny and also that your very comfortable with yourself (which a lot of people confuse with self-confidence.... which is a good thing!)



Dont make fun of other people, it may seen funny to you and she might laugh too. But seriously... what does it tell her about you?!

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I like stupid humour (when you do something dumb or say something which doesnt make sense...... and i dont mean ARRRRGRRRRRAHRAHRAHRHARARA) i think stupid humour is the funniest stuff and it portrays human nature. It makes people comfortable around you.... dont overdo it though.



Also I find that a great way to get laughs is to make fun of yourself. It shows your mature enough to not mind these things, shows that your funnny and also that your very comfortable with yourself (which a lot of people confuse with self-confidence.... which is a good thing!)



Dont make fun of other people, it may seen funny to you and she might laugh too. But seriously... what does it tell her about you?!


I can agre with this, but the stupid humor is better for TV IMO. LLike a few othe people said, make light of the situation and be "funny" on the spot, but only if u can w/o trying too hard.

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