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Passionate Love Affair WITHOUT Sex


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This guy has lot of free time because he takes time to spend it with me. He could be at home fixing things, which is probably what his wife sees him as, a fixer-upper. Or he takes the day off, I said he was a state trooper, and he has time, and he spends his days off, like Monday, Columbus Day, with me, out riding on his cycle, seeing the leaves change, checking out covered bridges, having lunch by the river, things like that.


I do suppose he is loney, I listen to him talk about things and am genuinely interested in him, so that peaks his interest. I show him respect for his job, and ask him about his day and his work. Maybe if more women spent time doing that, men like would feel more appreciated.

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Hey Sad, I hate to tell you this but oral sex is sex, regardless of what Bill Clinton thinks. On top of that, this cop is cheating on his wife no matter how you look at it. Anything that he does with you that he wouldn't do with his wife standing right there with you would be considered cheating. By the way, I've got a fifty dollar bill that says you aren't the first one he's strayed with and you won't be the last. Sorry but I would drop this one like a hot rock. It will save you some heartache down the road.

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I'm going to tell you something that happened to a friend.


Her boyfriend was also married and unhappy. She was with him for a number of years and he never left his wife. At some point he told her that before she came along his life at home was hell. Since being with her he was able to tolerate his home life because he would shut out whatever was happening at home and think of her and their happy times together. As a result of this he stopped bickering with his wife and his home life was somewhat peaceful. Short version: his girlfriend actually helped his marriage.


I don't want this to happen to you SadEyes.


You say your boyfriend is not happy at home yet he is not doing anything to fix his situation. If he is so lonely and unappreciated then why is he still there? Don't you think that if he was as unhappy as you think he is that he would want out?


People's true character shows in their actions. Someone with more integrity would leave the marriage and then seek out another partner.


Honey, he is completing himself with you and it's not fair to you. While you worry about him and his unhappy home life, who is caring about yours?

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Well, I believe I am strong enough to handle ANY woman who comes after me because of something I might have done to piss her off. I am not afraid of anyone, in that case. And further more, he and I have not seen each other for over a week or talked for that matter, so I believe he has decided not to see me anymore. Of course, I am devestated, he hasn't even emailed or IMd me at all. So, I only get what i deservce anyway, RIGHT?????????????

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Hi SadBlueEyes,


Don't you find that since you are/where involved with this married man, don't you find yourself constantly wondering what he's doing? What his schedule is like? When will he contact you next since you might not be able to contact him because of his wife?


My point is that since you come second in his life, don't you hate the fact that you have to be sneaky about this relationship? Has either of you met each other's friends, relatives, children? He will never incorperate you into his real life because everyone knows what you guys are doing is wrong and many people will be hurt as the result.


Don't you hate being all sneaky about this? Have you introduced him to any of your friends or relatives? Have you invited him into your life?


He hasn't called you in a week. Don't you feel like you're coming in second? Only when it's convenient for him?


It's exciting to find that person who takes your breath away, but your intentions were misplaced from the beginning. YOU DESERVE BETTER!

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Wait a minute. I would have these exact feelings if I were involved with someone who was not married either. What are they doing now, where are they, why havent they called. What makes it any different that he is married. I knew that from the beginning. And I know I am second, and any man in my life will always be second to my children. So who cares, whos first and whos second. It has to do with spending time with someone you love, and care for, not whos winning at the game. Love is not a game to win or lose, it is a feeling. And sometimes we cant control those feelings of falling in love with someone, whether or not they have a significant other at home or not. I dont even think about her. Or care to think about her. Its only him I care about......

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This is just a sidenote.


I know two men who had affairs and claimed that they no longer had sex with their wives, but only stayed for the financial and the children.


Both of these guys' wives became pregnant a few months later. I can only imagine how their mistresses felt.


Look out for yourself Sadblueyes... don't believe everything you hear.


How much can you trust a man who thinks nothing of cheating and sneaking around on a woman who he promised to love and honor?


They sleep in the same bed, take care of each other when they are sick, pay bills together, laugh together and cry together---and he cheats on her.

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