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i like my best friend.......


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he's not really my best friend but he's very close, even though i have known him for only a little over a month now. i consider him to be a very close friend and i think he does too. now the complicated part comes in seeing as this seems all fine and dandy. i like him, and i like him alot. im really scared because i know i am nothing more than a friend to him and even if he evr did like me, i would not want to ruin our friendship. i am sure he doesn't like me, and it kills me somuch, now everytim he asks me who i like etc, i have to lie or say nobody, then he thnks im lying, and then its not cool... i really have no idea about what to do especialy because i have never had a bf and im 14 years old. we have lots in common, one thing thats important to me is that we both cut but thats getting off topic.... i really like him and he could never like me i am really not self confidant and my self esteem is really, i could not think he could like me so i can't act upon my actions, howwever much i want... its killingme................ what should i do!!!!!!! help me please!!!

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I know it can be hard...I just went through the same thing, I really liked one of my friends, but I knew that she didn't like me...so I knew it was time to move on...that's really the only option I see now...but, if you have too...tell him. Whatever you decide, good luck!

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next time he asks, tell him. Theres three ways things can go

1. He goes out with you (the perfect ending eh)

2. He rejects you, but remain friends with you.

3. He rejects you, things get awkward and the friendship eventually slows down.


Anyways I personally think as a spectator, that all three are benficial to you. 1 is obvious, 2 because now he knwos how you feel about him and one day he might fall in love with you. 3 because it forces you to move on without really giving you many options and dilemmas.

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Tell him how you feel. For all you know he could feel the exact same way you do. Maybe he likes you but believes you don't feel the same way. But you'll never know unless you say something. No matter what happens you face your fears and can move on without having to wonder what could have happened. And think of everything you could gain.

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