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Alright I'm pretty sure I'm confused on what to do so HELP!!


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Well theres this guy I met about a month ago. Weve spent lots of time together so far. I feel like I finally know him 100% though I don't know EVERYTHING about him . But I feel like we could just start dating any minute...We treat each other like boyfriend/girlfriend but.....we haven't talked about it or made it official....do we even have to say we're "dating"...."He's my boyfriend shes my girlfriend" type thing? I need to figure out a good way to either ask him if we are, ask him out myself, or make him or me say it all on his own so we both know. I don't want to be blunt with it and go "Are you my boyfriend?" or "will you go out with me?" I'm just not like that...I'm sure if I knew him 100% I could say it to him but i don't know how to without making it embarrasing or nerverwrecking for the both of us. He still makes me gutsy inside but in a good way . I really need to find out some good ways for him to say that I am his girlfriend or ask him out so please, please, please help me because my head and my heart are only focused on him right now and not how to ask him these questions lol. No It's just really making me upset that I can't think of a single thing.....HELP.

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Alright so you don't want to be blunt, that's cool. Maybe be more flirty with him, or tell him other ways. Maybe hint it, at it, but never actually say it. That way he knows for sure you like him, and hopefully he'll make the first move. Good luck!

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Thats how me and my boyfriend started out. For 3 months I could have sworn we were boyfriend and girlfriend, until he asked me one day after three months of hanging out, if I would be his girlfriend. The weird part is, is that we actually celebrated our one year anniversary on the day we first hung out, not the day he asked me to be his girlfriend. I guess we both felt like we were already boyfriend and girlfriend to begin with. Weird and confusing, I know.


Anyways, it sounds to me like you are both hinting at it. Its obvious he likes you because he wouldn't be treating you like his girlfriend if he didn't. I don't think you would be questioning it this much if you had a doubt that he liked you.


How do you act in public? Do you hold hands in public? I think the way you act in public can be a good way to tell what he thinks you two are.


I know you said you didn't want to come out and ask him, but honestly, if you really want your answer, you have to ask. Chances are that he's confused too. You could say something like "You know, we've been hanging out for awhile now & its obvious we like each other". That could be a good way to start a conversation about what you actually are.

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