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Just broke up and it's finally settling in


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Well, this is my 3rd or 4th post on this forum and I'm really liking it. Anyway, my girlfriend and I broke up after 15 months of an excellent relationship. Last thursday, we were hanging out for a while and then I went to drop her off at home. When I got home, we began to talk on AIM. After a few minutes, I asked her a dreaded question. "Are you losing interest in me?"


At first, she said, "No, don't so silly."


Then a few minutes later, she said. "Yes, I actually am."


I took it pretty lightly because this has happened before in the relationship. So I didn't think it would be a real breakup. The last time it happened, we were back together in a day. But now it's been 5 days and she hasn't called me or initiated a conversation.


Yesterday, Monday, was the official break up though. I went to her house and got a couple of my things back and returned her things. We had our last kiss, which, she tells me she did out of obligation which made it worst. And then just sent me on my way home.


I've been very upset and have been smoking a lot of marijuana in the past few days because of this incident. Though this has nothing to do with marijuana, I don't know how to deal with this.


She slipped through my fingers and got away. I feel like I am never going to get her back. One of the last things she told me was, "Don't think we are going to get back together, because I don't love you anymore and I don't think I will ever again. I still care about you though, so don't do anything rash."


It's a real kick in the butt.


How should I deal with this?


Should I have hope of trying to get back together or no?

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This is an easy one. 8)


Just find the hottest easiest girls you can. Go out with them and make sure she sees you with them. This is a sure way to get her to call.


Stripers or Escorts work best.


P.S. Make sure you tell the girls what there job is. They will know what they need to do to make her jealous.



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This is an easy one. 8)


Just find the hottest easiest girls you can. Go out with them and make sure she sees you with them. This is a sure way to get her to call.


Stripers or Escorts work best.


P.S. Make sure you tell the girls what there job is. They will know what they need to do to make her jealous.



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I disagree about getting the easiest girls to be seen with you, but if that's the route you want to go, that's your choice.


inept, I know you really care about this girl, and I'm not the best person for advice about breakups. However, I don't think you should get your hopes up about getting back together, as she has told you that she doesn't plan on it. I think the best thing you can do is set yourself on a path for healing and initiate NC.


Breakups hurt, and they are never fun. But we are here for you, and I know there are tons of people on these boards who have been through what you are going through. They have tons of advice and pearls of wisdom, and I hope that more people will post here to offer you encouragement.


Good luck and keep us posted.

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This is an easy one. 8)


Just find the hottest easiest girls you can. Go out with them and make sure she sees you with them. This is a sure way to get her to call.


Stripers or Escorts work best.


P.S. Make sure you tell the girls what there job is. They will know what they need to do to make her jealous.


Hes right, if you do this she will call you, if you chase her she will only run farther away.


Plus this way is much more fun.

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I agree about healing and NC. Think to yourself, and I know this is tough, "If this girl isn't that interested in me anymore, why do I want her to come back to me?" The reason of course is that you love her. I just went through the same thing with my gf- we broke up two weeks ago and I haven't talked to her at all. It's ok, though, because I know I will be fine and so will you. I hgighly recommend no contact, and if you really do want to be back together with her, and you all are meant to be, she will contact you regardless. It will take some time either way, to realize it's truly over, or for her to come back to you, so in the meantime just try to focus on yourself and stay away from her. I have had the problem of thinking that it's really my ex I miss, but now I realize that it's just that I miss having someone to be with- she was kinda cold to me, and I deserve better. You do too- you deserve someone who will always love, cherish, and respect you, and who will never ever want to break up with you. Good luck and keep in touch my friend.

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