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You're crying over what now??


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For about 5 months now, I've been getting very emotional over seemingly little things, so I've decided to record it in a journal to see if I can find any sort of pattern. I will be posting the things that affect me emotionally that I think the average person probably wouldn't get worked up over. Hopefully I'll find some answers or at least learn more about myself.

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I was reading a book (it was a young adult fantasy book. Don't judge!) about a girl who is physically abused by her father, and then he sells her to another man who is also physically abusive, but she's rescued by a priest after he beats her. None of the descriptions of abuse made me feel emotional. It is after she is rescued that I nearly teared up (and probably would have if I hadn't been in public): "The hedge priests, with their awkward movements and musty, stale robes, are kind enough, but their fingers are unschooled in tenderness and compassion. It is the herbwitches I like most. Their chapped, raw hands are gentle as lamb's wool..." The bolded part is what really set me off. The thought of kind, old ladies makes me feel very emotional.

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Maybe you are lonely. Lonely in the sense that you miss something that was fleeting in your life.


When I was overseas, I was gone so long and in environment that was polar opposite of my home, that I would choke up when I saw pics of mountains and pine trees. A friend of mine sent me a recording of the family talking in the late afternoon, it was hot and most of the complaints were about lack of water and when the rains would come. The tone, the language.. achh... I flipped over on my cot and wept a long time. My good friends patted me on the back every now and then and left water for me to drink. I guess they thought I went through a breakup. I don't cry and I felt foolish afterwards but I knew I had to come back to all that I missed.


Hope you feel better.

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I love that video. I think that's the first time i've ever seen someone use their forearm on the keys!


I didn't get teared-up with this, but I often do with movie soundtracks.


It seems wrong to butt into a journal like this...because it's more like data collection.


But I just wanted to ask...what if you did find a pattern to why you cry (by the way, the title of this thread kind of cracked me up, sorry)...why would you need to do anything to change it? What is inherently wrong with crying over things, if you feel touched by something?


I mean, if it was causing you to become socially crippled, or you felt otherwise psychologically unstable (depressed, etc.) that was causing emotional lability, that would be problematic.


But if things just trigger you to cry and then you go on with your day and you're mostly even-keel...is this just a matter of not wanting to feel like a "wimp" or that you "should" not react this way?


Because I don't see simply being emotionally sensitive as a problem.


I'm wondering what you feel the problem is, about being this way.

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I don't really see it as a problem. Perhaps a little bit embarrassing, but I don't see at something wrong. I guess I'm more interested in why I've become this way because I never was like this before, and I wonder if whatever has triggered it is a problem.

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darling you havent just had a baby have you ?


the reason I ask is after the birth of ems I turned into a jibbering wreck at the drop of a hat . I find it hard to control ,

like a customer stood telling me a sad story , they will be ok and I can feel myself well up and often can't stop

the tears.


haha! I'm not laughing at you, just the thought of me having a baby. A big no to that one. lol

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