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Day in and day out, i try to think of answer for this and i was wondering if you guys could help me out. I was wondering how to strike up a conversation with someone who seems very quiet. Becuase im a TA in one of my classes and theres this girl who i really want to talk to but she seems very quiet. I need something to break the ice and make a good impression.

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Start with a joke or something. It works for me, even if I'm not trying to start a convo with anyone it just spontaneously starts. Like this firday after school i was walking home and these really cute girls were walking behind me. I saw some grads doing a survey, as i walked by them they asked me if i want to take their survey, i said "F*ck that sh*t" and the girls behind started cracking up i turned around and they said that i was funny. We started talking. I dind't really get how that could be funny but whatever. This other time in our english class we had to read a story about some telepathic chick, and the teacher asked me how did she she know what her friend was going to say next. I forgot the first part of the word telepathic but i remember the last part was pathic. So i randomly said a word and it happened to sycopathic. They all just exploded in laughter. This hot chick sits infront of me. Now when the teacher leaves she always turns around to ask me something. That starts up a convo.


So the point is if your teacher asks you a question try to say something funny, but don't laugh at your own joke wait for a while then after they stop laughing go oooooo i get it. I do that all the time and when teachers ask me something everyone satrts laughing before i even say anything.

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Another thing would be to comment on her giving an answer. If she says something smart or funny, or whatever, tell her you thought it was that. Don't BS her, but tell her.


Or jsut ask her a question about what she thought about something in class.


Then make eye contact while you listen.

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NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! You want to break the unspoken Don't-pick-up-your-students rule in the TA handbook! Shame on you!! You're supposed to wait until she's out of you class!! #-o

Anyway, try asking her if her classes are going well. Maybe that will get her to talk to you about school. Then you can tell her that if she needs any help then she can come to you. Smile at her a lot. It may take a while for her to see you as a friend and not a teacher if she's not very responsive to you right now.

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sole, I sincerely doubt he's a TA in college (given his age & writing style.) He's probably just a student-helper for a class or something. I was a TA for a class in high school as well; you can actually get a credit for it & it's a bird course.


In any case, if this is the situation I doubt there's any rules about it, since you could easily be dating people in a grade younger than you anyways (I was in gr. 12 marking gr. 11 stuff.) And my teacher didn't lay out any rules..plus for most big assignments I think the teacher goes over them anyways to make sure you're marking it fairly. So I don't think ethics would get involved.


In that case, just ask her about classes & such..open-ended questions work best.


good luck,



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sole, I sincerely doubt he's a TA in college (given his age & writing style.) He's probably just a student-helper for a class or something. I was a TA for a class in high school as well; you can actually get a credit for it & it's a bird course.




DOH!!! #-o Ishould've figured that out sooner from his age."

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comment on something that you know, or can observe that she likes. books that she reads, doodling or drawing (art), music she may listen too (that one would be hard to find out, but would be a question to ask once you get the conversation started), if she has a good style sense (tell her that her shirt is cute, or that her outfit looks good today),

In that case, just ask her about classes & such..open-ended questions work best.
that is a good suggestion.

just don't be pushy, if she answers in short one word answers, don't rammble on and on, she my be just as nervous as you are. good luck.

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