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Getting railroaded by job.

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I'll try to keep it brief.


I've been with my job for almost seven years now. I obtained my degree while working the graveyard shift (Still work graveyard). The supervisor of about 8 years quits, he finds a new gig, and I'm next in line for the promotion...


so I thought....


Instead, they bring up the female guard below me. We'll call her Tahressa. Tahressa's had well known problems getting to work on time, or at all, and the excuses are rediculous(She ran out of gas, had other things she wanted to do today, her kids took her keys, etc.) She's really two-shade and back stabbing.


Anyway, my last supervisor quit, and who do they promote, yep...Tahressa. In the first month, my check was six hours short while hers was six hours over (We have to fill out our time cards by hand, then the supervisor...Tahressa...hands them off to management).


So, fast forward...she never tells me she got extra money on her check, but tells another worker she did (a worker I'm cool with). Another incident is when she showed up an hour late, and asked "When do you want me to come in to make it up?" I tell her "No, that's okay" and filled out my time card with an extra hour (overtime). The next day she shows up an hour early anyway...***?!!!


So, I say whatever and leave...then I call management and explain, and management says...


"Well, even though it's annoying, we must not have overtime, and she is the supervisor. She makes the schedule. So if she decides to show up an hour early, that's just how it is..."


So, I'm stuck. Cant trust the supervisor. Can't trust the management. I'm the most capable person there, but have consistently gotten overlooked, and screwed out of money.


What do you suggest I do? Cause what I've come up with isn't good for anyone.

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Instead of talking about it, write out a detailed report of behavior that is unbecoming of a person in her position. Give it time so you can collect a number of "incidents" You have been there long enough and have a reputation that would be difficult to rebuild at another job. You can try and look for a different job, but try to display your superior work ethic and skills to make management rethink their decision. (Or maybe they had a quota to fill, I dunno)

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how good is the job market where you live? in the eight years you havent been promote, are you also being deprived raises? can you elaborate a little more on the first situation where it sounds like she STOLE your six hours?



if it was me, i would keep a log of all the little incidents with dates and times. After 6 months or like ten issues, id once again address it with management. All the while looking for a new job. Then, if a new job is found, leverage that into a promotion or walk. Screw wokring foor people who dont respect oyu and screw being the one getting stepped on.

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Can they legally take away your one overtime hour from one day just because someone "made " the time up the next day? And how do you know SHE didn't charge the company overtime the next day.


As far as the time cards, I would photocopy each one I fill out - or take a picture of it with your phone.


Lastly, instead of complaining about her, then begin to really keep track of your accomplishments - and make sure they know about your degree too - ways you have saved the company money, ways you have made the company money, new ideas you have for the company, etc. Make your interactions with the upper management very positive so that they will think of you in a very positive way.


Your boss is going to hang herself with her sloppy behavior anyway... but if you are always complaining about her then you look like you are a poor sport and full of spite and they will always think of you as a negative person rather than the fabulous and competent employee that you are!


However, it is probably good that you keep detailed records of these foibles and mistakes so that you can protect yourself. I wouldn't be surprised if she would try to blame some of them on you - after all, you are likely a threat to her.


And finally, if you continue to be there a while and you still are not getting anywhere it may mean that you need to go to another company. My sister started work at a bank as an intern when in college. Eventually she landed a paying job there and built up her experience and gained maturity and wisdom as well. But - the upper management still viewed her as inexperienced and the new puppy, so she was passed over for promotions. She landed a fabulous job later at a place that viewed her skill set in real time and not in the past. Sometimes you simply cannot break out of those initial impressions.

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Long story short, this company is a joke, but I've stuck with it so I can go to school during the day. Plus, the new supe has a well known issue with being late, and calling off the last minute, yet she still gets promoted.


Now, I've came to work with a hospital bracelet on and a doctors note and worked a twelve hour shift, I've had to deal with favoritism, racism, and many other "-isms" only to be told "too bad".


It's getting to a point where I'm feeling cornered/trapped, as well as I'm wasting my best years with a careless, and hare brained supe and management. As for the pay...


I asked management if they can edit our timecards because I figured they didn't since they can't verify when, or if we work. Only the supe can. He says "well if there's a correction to be made, we make him" but instead of a correction they gave her my money, even tho to make changes they need to talk to the supe to verify.


On top of that, the woman is two-faced and back stabbing. A co worker told me she complained that she never took time from me when I was late. I've been late a handful of times in a seven year period. She's been late so many times that I couldn't give you a number. When she was late, I never took her time, she has kids, and I don't believe in taking food off anothers plate, but this time, I had plans that had to be canceled, then rescheduled, so I took ot for that, but apparently I can't do anything if she decides to just show up and take it from me.


Am I over reacting, or am I in the Damn twilight zone?

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