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Hate all my friends around me having relationships so easily


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I've always been single, never had a girlfriend for more than a week and a half (and she was messing me around anyway). My friends seem to find girlfriends with ease and if things don't work out with one within weeks they're onto the next girlfriend.


Now I consider myself a nice guy but certainly not a walking doormat. I have my own social life and do my own things and if girls don't like me for who I am that's their problem as far as I'm concerned. It's just never had any form of long term relationship I now become increasingly more jealous of my friends who move from one to the next with ease. When their relationships break up I feel intensely relieved that one of them is back in the singles trap with me then bam, they're going out with someone else.


I don't see why I should have to change who I am to attract girls, despite being a bit shy I am pretty confident once I know someone as I become more relaxed in their company. So how do I get rid of these jealous feelings towards my friends - I just want to go out socialising with them and have a girlfriend who appreciates me for who I am and likewise for me to appreciate the girlfriend the same way.


I'm just so incredibly frustrated and confused

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I agree it must suck, however if I saw no age next to your name I would say they were 13-year-olds. Who cares if they can get girlfriends quick if all of the relationships last only a week? That's something that middleschoolers do, and certainly something I would try to stay away from. Whenever you do find a girlfriend she will last you quite some time and give you lots of happiness.



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I can relate to you my friends are the same way. to cope with it i have a friend that is a girl and we can relax with and have no pressure of boyfriend girlfriends area. If you friends are all way going on to the next gril, 20 years from now there gonna end up lonely whill you have a wife or girlfriend. Just becuase you friend varify them self by haveing grilfriends dosent mean you have to.

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I can relate to where you are coming from - except that I don't really feel a jealousy for friends that constantly date. I just feel a longing to be where they are - and that is happy and secure in a relationship. I have been hurt so many times before and I think if I was only given the chance, I could make someone really happy. I would appreciate them and hopefully they too would appreciate me.


I don't know why others are so lucky when it comes to dating. At one stage, I thought I was too shy and that I should be a bit more open, but when I did that I came on too strong so to speak. And when I was myself, people thought I was an ice queen or too introverted. So I never seem to win and it seems extremely difficult to strike that balance. But maybe one day someone will be attracted to me because they simply like me.


Just don't go changing anything about your personality to suit others. If they don't like you as you are, they're probably not worth your time.


Good Luck

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I can totally relate man i just cant stand being the stupid lonely ugly idiot of the group!They all usually get gf's and some of them have girlfriends fall right on their lap without even trying and it makes me so mad!They sometime ruin the poor girls!i definitely know what u mean cause friends like to put me down for a girlfriend or u can tell they want too when i put down how they treat girls.They always talk to me about women like im some stupid little ignorant child that wants to hear "how to treat a girl' Pfff i feel like telling to shut the hell up.Although i know that is being jealous of them but o well they can go and stuff it when they talk to me like that

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I'm feeling the same way as you, except I've got guy friends and what makes me mad is that none is terribly interested in me. So I have to watch while they get all excited about some other girl who already has a bf! They'll spend two minutes talking to me, then they'll chase after her. It really bites. I don't know what to do to make myself feel better... I'm feeling pretty unattractive right about now ...

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